A Cat Has Nine Lives; Can We Borrow A Few?

Even if you believe in karma and reincarnation, to come back nine times is stretching anyone’s luck quite a bit. Of course, part of the idea is that we come back until we GET IT RIGHT, but still the rule doesn’t seem to apply to felines. Cats maintain their cool in whatever skin they possess at the time, and we humans could learn a lot from them, particularly about relaxing, establishing relaxing priorities and well, relaxing some more. Where did this idiomatic expression come from and what does it really mean? Generally speaking, the phrase has to do with the … Continue reading

There’s More Than One Way To Skin A Cat: Ugh!

Does this idiomatic expression have anything to do with the cat having nine lives? After all, to lose one’s skin is a serious proposition and difficult to recover from even if we are dealing with a creature as resourceful and intelligent as a cat. But where did this expression come from and how is it related to of all things, the world of cooking? The expression, which has come to mean that there is more than one way to accomplish a task, has its roots in seafood cuisine preparation. It is not known exactly how old it is, but it … Continue reading

The Cat In Proverb and Thought

The cat down through the ages has been ubiquitous in our literature, poetry and culture. Perhaps as a symbol there is nowhere it appears more often than in our everyday proverbs and expressions. Take for example, the phrase “to play cat and mouse.” Where did it come from and has its meaning changed through the passage of time? The torture of the poor little mouse at the hands of its oppressor, the much larger feline, is one of nature’s crueler struggles. It is a very democratic one, however, as there can be little doubt that everyone’s mind conjures the same … Continue reading