The Cat Who Crossed Six Lanes of Traffic

I got an interesting — incredible — call at the cats-only boarding facility the other day. The voice on the other end asked me if we had lost a cat. For a moment, I just sputtered. “I don’t think so,” I said. “Actually, I’m pretty sure we didn’t. There would have been a big note if somebody got out.” The woman explained that she had found a cat on the (rather large) major road nearest the veterinarian and boarding facility, and had wondered if one of our guests had made a break for it. Then she told me an amazing … Continue reading

The Story of Lucky Girl And A Heroine of Note

Dr. Phil McGraw, family strategist, often speaks of how at times families need heroes to save them from their dysfunctions and to help begin new and healthier behavior patterns. Well, the cat world today can boast of a heroine who would have made even Dr. Phil proud. (He’s an animal lover himself). The unexpected valiant one is a forty-two year old mother named Christine Hill from Spencer, Massachusetts. On June 1 of this year, Mrs. Spencer spotted an elderly man trying to drown an orange kitten in netting in a bucket of water. The man, Laurence E. Thayer, 85, repeatedly … Continue reading