Why Cats Do Weird Things: Pawing Around Water

We know why cats play with their water: they paw it and lick it from their paws, to try to make their water ripple and thus seem fresher.  Cats love fresh water.  But I’ve noticed Cole sometimes do something a bit stranger than that: he paws around his water bowl.  He doesn’t actually dip his paws in, but he scratches at the floor around the water bowl.  Why is he doing that? There isn’t a clear answer as to why; a lot of cat behavior is mysterious to us.  But there are a few educated guesses out there.  The first is … Continue reading

The Curious Case of the Cat in the Shower

Every time anyone enters the bathroom at our house, it’s cause for a big fuss. That’s because no matter what somebody’s doing in there, our cat Cole must have a part of it. If he hears someone in the bathroom, he rushes in (if the door’s open) and starts getting very vocal. Cole isn’t the most vocal of cats, but he’s not the least either. He chirps for attention, and if there’s a bird he can see out in the yard, the whole house knows it. But even when there’s prey he can see just beyond his reach, Cole is … Continue reading

Cats and Water

Cats hate water, right? Not always so. The Turkish Van is a breed that is known for its true love of swimming. Some experts believe it was summer heat that first sent the Van in for a swim; this cat will take a dip in a lake, stream, sink, tub, or pond when the mood strikes. The Bengal cat — a cross between domestic cats and small Asian leopard cats — likes water almost as much as the Turkish Van. This breed will play in puddles or in the shower. Bengals will often scoop water with their paws before drinking … Continue reading