Ro Says No—Again

Days after turning down a seat next to the one woman who would single handily thrust new book “Celebrity Detox” into literary stardom, Rosie O’Donnell has come to her senses. No, she didn’t profusely apologize to Oprah Winfrey and beg for another chance to appear on her show; rather the former “View” co-host has decided not to appear hypocritical and has now cancelled all of her interviews related to the revealing new book. You’ll recall the comedian granted “Good Morning America’s” Diane Sawyer a sit down interview to promote her new book even though she refused Winfrey’s invitation. Now, word … Continue reading

The First Lady’s First Children’s Book

Tack on a new line to first lady Laura Bush’s resume: children’s book author. According to news reports, the former public school teacher and librarian is collaborating with her daughter Jenna on a picture book for kids, which is due to be released early next year. Bush, known for her love of books told reporters that authoring the new venture is a dream come true, especially since it will be a family affair. “I am delighted to have the opportunity to partner with one of my favorite teachers, my daughter Jenna, to write a children’s book – and to have … Continue reading