Watch Out For The Unspoken Issues

While not all single parent families are formed by divorce–there are many that evolve because of the death of the other parent, or are formed by choice–when single parent families do come from a divorce situation, it can take years for the rift to heal and communication between the divorced parents to be healthy and optimal (in some families, it never happens.) It is the kids who suffer, however, and while you’re working through unfinished business, it is important to watch out for all those “unspoken” areas too. Just because you don’t talk about it, doesn’t mean that you’ve healed, … Continue reading

Author Interview — Anderson, Littke and Morris: Part Two

I’m very pleased to bring you part two of our exclusive interview with LDS authors Nancy Anderson, Lael J. Littke and Carroll H. Morris. If you missed yesterday, click here to catch up. I haven’t yet had the privilege of reading your series, although it’s on my wish list. Can you tell me, and our readers, about it? Lael: “Almost Sisters” is the first book of the series. In it, three very different women — Juneau from Pasadena, CA, Willadene from Wellsville, UT, and Erin from Minneapolis, MN — meet at BYU Education Week in 1980— Nancy: That might sound … Continue reading

Author Interview — Anderson, Littke, and Morris

We have a special treat today on – three LDS authors who have written a wonderful series together. Nancy Anderson, Lael J. Littke, and Carroll H. Morris graciously consented to this exclusive interview and I thank them for their time. Ladies, how did the three of you meet? Lael: Carroll and Nancy are sisters. I first became aware of Carroll when my editor at Deseret, Eleanor Knowles, told me she’d just put out a really fine book by her, titled “The Broken Covenant.” She gave me a copy. I read it and was really impressed. A year or so … Continue reading

Bet Your Bottom Dollar – Karin Gillespie

In “Bet Your Bottom Dollar,” Elizabeth Polk has just come off a bad engagement. Thinking that her high-school sweetheart, Clip, is the love of her life, she blissfully agrees when he proposes, only to be shattered a short time later when he leaves her a note under her windshield wiper, written on a bag from a fast food restaurant, calling the whole thing off. The next thing she knows, he’s hanging around with one of the fastest women in town. Work is the constant in Elizabeth’s life, and she throws herself into it like never before. She’s the store manager … Continue reading

Supreme Court Ruling: Use of Race in Admission

In my last article I discussed the two public school districts in Kentucky that were under a lawsuit for using race to determine a student’s admission into a specific school. Several universities have also used race to determine student admission. The University of Georgia Atlanta revised its admission policy that used race to determine admission. Several white women had used the school or threatened lawsuits for discrimination. The women felt that had they been black or men, they would have been admitted. The student body at the school is mainly female and generously accepts male applicants. The school now does … Continue reading

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? (1967)

Of all the Spencer Tracy/Katharine Hepburn movies ever made, this is the one you most need to see. Katharine Houghton (Hepburn’s real-life niece) stars as Joanna Drayton, a young woman from a fairly well-to-do family who goes to Hawaii for a vacation. When she comes back, she has some news for her parents (Tracey and Hepburn). She met a wonderful man, got swept off her feet in a whirlwind affair, and is engaged. This is shocking news enough – it’s one thing to send your daughter on a trip, and quite another to have her come home with plans to … Continue reading

Do You Feel Sexy?

Sometimes, the issue is not one of lack of attraction for our spouses. Sometimes, it’s all about not feeling very attractive ourselves. This may stem from physical issues regarding personal appearance, health, weight gain, rapid weight loss, or an assortment of other concerns, but sometimes it can also be emotional. If you don’t feel good about yourself as a person, or don’t particularly like the man or woman inside, you’re not likely to feel as if you’re attractive to others. On the other hand, it may not be self-image, but the image you feel the other person sees. If your … Continue reading

Bear With Me…Just a Short Vent About “Mentality”

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be snobby or anything but people who think $8/hour is “great money” are forever destined to be poor and desperate. That’s just life folks. I’m amazed at how defensive people are about it, too”. First of all, let me start by telling you that I am going to vent tonight. While I try to use my blogging job as an opportunity to inspire and encourage other home-based moms (and dads), I am annoyed tonight and need to let off a bit of steam. I am an active member of a work-at-home forum where someone … Continue reading

Author Interview – Rachel Ann Nunes, Part Three

Thank you for joining us for part three of our conversation with Rachel Ann Nunes, best-selling LDS women’s fiction author. If you missed parts one or two, click here. Rachel, in addition to the twenty-five books you have written, you are also a mother. How many children do you have? I have six children, three boys and three girls, ranging from three to sixteen years. My oldest is a senior in high school and will attend BYU next year on an academic scholarship. He’ll start as a junior because he’s already finished his associate degree. He’s a great example to … Continue reading

Author Interview – Rachel Ann Nunes, Part Two

Thank you for joining us for part two of our exclusive interview with best-selling LDS women’s fiction author, Rachel Ann Nunes. If you missed part one, click here. Rachel, when we left off yesterday, we were discussing the books you have published. What projects are you planning for the future? I have two books on their way. The first, “Flying Home,” is a national women’s novel, meaning that it has no LDS element, though it will be published by Deseret Book. The book follows the story of Liana Winn, adopted at age four, who has always felt like an outsider … Continue reading