Author Interview – Michelle Ashman Bell, Part Two

Thank you for joining us for part two of our talk with Michele Ashman Bell. If you missed part one, click here. Michele, when we left off yesterday, you were midway through telling us about your novels. Can we hear about the rest of them? My next book is “Without a Flaw” – I love Isabelle, the main character in this book, and the growth that she goes through with this story. Isabelle is in a very controlling marriage and she knows that she is not safe with her husband. One day he will go too far with his anger … Continue reading

Author Interview – Michele Ashman Bell

Michele Ashman Bell is one of the most popular women’s fiction authors currently on the market in addition to being a genuinely wonderful woman. Despite the busyness of the holiday season, she took the time to answer some questions exclusively for Michele, I’m so glad you could join us. Let’s start our conversation with some background on you. When did you first start writing? I started “creative” writing about 1987. But ever since 8th grade I kept a journal and have always been more comfortable writing my feelings down on paper than expressing them verbally. I found that writing … Continue reading

When Homeschooling Isn’t Working

We plan on homeschooling all the way through high school. I think that qualifies us as being fairly committed to this whole homeschooling thing. However, I also recognize that that means we will be home schooling for the next 23 years. A lot can happen in 23 years and it is, at least conceivable that homeschooling at some point for one of our children will not work out. Have you ever been in this position? Let me give you some food for thought regarding this difficult decision. Circumstances Change It is possible in the next 23 years that any number … Continue reading

Home and Family: Get out and Vote

Did you vote yet? Will you vote today? Since it looked like my husband would be out of town with work today, he and I voted early. While voting is a right, it is also a duty, in my opinion. People have died to protect this right, so we owe to them to get out and vote, to make our voices heard, to play a role in how we are governed. November 7, 2006, may be a turning point on many issues in this country, so make sure you have your say in these matters. Your vote does count, as … Continue reading

Who Will Be Lucky Number 300,000,000?

News reporters have been dispatched to hospitals throughout the country. Some expectant mothers are asking their doctor’s to induce them. While other overdue moms-to-be are trying to stave off labor… at least for another 40 hours or so. Pregnant moms across the nation know what’s at stake. An historic milestone is approaching: a baby born in the next two days will become the 300-millionth American. My friend and I were discussing this topic the other day and finally concluded (after nearly 2 hours) that we are simply on opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to deciding whether the … Continue reading

Author Interview — Josi S. Kilpack, part two

Thanks for joining us again for part two of our interview with LDS author Josi S. Kilpack. If you missed part one, click here. Josi, how many books have you written, and what are their titles? Seven books total. Five are women’s novels, “Earning Eternity,” “Surrounded By Strangers,” “Tempest Tossed,” “To Have or To Hold” and “Unsung Lullaby.” I have one young adult novel, “Star Struck,” and a Christmas book, “Rabboni: The Search for Christ.” What do you plan to write in the future? Will we be seeing a lot of you? My passion is LDS contemporary fiction that deals … Continue reading