Hotel Furnishings Go High-Tech

By now I’m sure you are familiar with Westin’s signature Heavenly Bed. The pillow top-mattress bed, introduced almost a decade ago, became an instant hit and is credited with starting a revolution in hotel bedding. (You can now buy your own Heavenly Bed at Nordstrom stores.) The mega-popular bed set off a hotel furnishing war of sorts and Wyndham Hotels fired back with a “Smart Chair” aimed to do for comfortable multi-tasking what the Heavenly Bed did for sleeping. For those of you who don’t frequent Wyndham Hotels the “Smart Chair” is a high-tech furnishing that has integrated pivoting tables, … Continue reading

Cheer Up those Chairs: Company is Coming!

Are your chairs a sight for eyes that cannot or better yet, shouldn’t see? And are you having company in just a few days? Eek! What can you do to make things look more presentable? Well, here are a few ideas for those cruddy chairs that you have been meaning to fix up but haven’t had a chance to. The cushions are the easiest things to tackle, so let’s start there. Loose seats can easily be fixed. If the cushion sits within the frame, simply pop it out and then stretch and staple the new fabric over the old. (Resist … Continue reading

Trekkies Get Your Wallets Ready

If you are a fan of “Star Trek”—brace yourself. Your chance to own authentic Vulcan jewelry, a Starfleet mini-dress or a uniform worn by the William Shatner is just a few weeks away. Crews are busy prepping “Star Trek” memorabilia, which spans four decades for a one-of-a-kind auction that features studio items from the sci-fi hit TV show. Auction organizers say the collection of more than 1,000 items is being sold by CBS Paramount Television to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first “Star Trek” TV episode. The collection, which is valued at nearly $2 million includes: · A replica … Continue reading

Furniture 101

Are you in the market for an armoire? How about a credenza, an étagère, a highboy or a settee? HUH? Yeah, I know. I felt the same way when I recently entered a furniture store and was met with a salesperson who peppered me with the same questions. I didn’t realize that I needed to be a linguist in order to successfully navigate through a furniture store. All I wanted was a new dresser for our master bedroom. To be honest, I did feel slightly intimidated by the salesperson’s queries. I walked out of the store dresser-less and headed home … Continue reading

Shop for Girl’s Glamour Room Items

If you liked the items listed and shown in the Girl’s Glamour Room post, you can find these and many other theme items at various department stores, decor shops, furniture stores, and even novelty shops. Each of the items mentioned can also be found online. Here are some links to help you locate stores that carry them: High Heel Shoe Chair High heel shoe chairs come in assorted colors, textures, and prints and this site even offers matching ottomans as well as smaller versions of these cute chairs. You can even build your own high heel shoe chair to coordinate … Continue reading