There is Always a Certain Element of Risk

Anyone in business—even a small, home-based business—has to try to balance security and risk. For some of us, we may want to minimize risk so much that we hold back and try to convince ourselves that total security and stability are the only way to go. The truth is, however, there is always a certain element of risk in just about any endeavor. I have worked with clients in the past who have been trying to minimize risk no matter what. They wanted to account for every penny, have plenty of insurance to cover every aspect of their business and … Continue reading

Support and Encouragement for Taking Chances

As parents, we want to keep our children safe. We also want to help them learn how to keep themselves safe and to figure out how to be successful in the world. Have you ever considered whether you are encouraging your children to play it TOO safe? Could you actually be discouraging them from taking the risks and chances they need to in order to build confidence, self-esteem and resiliency? When was the last time you praised your child for taking a risk or setting out in unchartered waters? It seems to be more the norm to praise our children … Continue reading

Responsible Business Owners Still Experiment

You may think that trial and error are not part of a responsible business person’s game plan. In fact, experimentation is key to problem-solving and finding new and better ways of doing business. If you are sticking to the tried and true methods in your home-based business, you may be missing out on the benefits of experimentation. It is not just the wild risk-takers who experiment in the business world, even rather stodgy and conservative businesses need to try things out, generate new ideas and then give them a test run, develop new products and services and give them a … Continue reading