Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Cat Box Terrorist

There is a saboteur living amongst us in the Team Pryor household. A messy, smelly, ornery rebel who likes to drop bombs aplenty. (When she’s not partaking in other cat box terrorist maneuvers.) That’s right, I said “she.” As in Tabby. Not Mr. Meow, the creepy cat, who you might expect to be the culprit. Nope. Instead it’s my beautiful, sweet (most times, except when it comes to the cat box), precious baby girl. What is a “Cat Box Terrorist?” A cat box terrorist sees opportunity for terror in something that should be scared: the litter box. Cat box terrorists … Continue reading

Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Tales Their Tails Tell

An inadvertent side affect of the personal pet therapy project has been that my mom is paying attention to Murphy, Tabby, and Mr. Meow’s mannerisms. And remembering them from day to day. For instance, she’s beginning to recognize that when Murph lets out a certain bark and rushes to the window a rabbit’s surely in the yard. When he growls another way and rushes to the window a dog must be going past. Then there’s his whine and anxious face pressed in front of ours when he’s ready to go for a walk. But the cats intrigue her the most … Continue reading

Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Cats vs. The Oxygen Machine

When my mom fell sick a few weeks back she was put on oxygen while in the hospital. Since her oxygen saturation level still wasn’t where it should be when she was released, they had to put her on oxygen at home. At her house she had the same set up we ended up getting for her once I brought her here. It’s a little machine with tubing (we call it her tether) that lets her roam pretty much everywhere while still being connected to the oxygen. Since she has no pets, she could wander at will at her house … Continue reading

Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Student and the Teacher

Once upon a time Aimee wrote a series of articles called Dogs Teaching Dogs, Exhibits A, B, C, and D — Bad Habits. Well, dogs aren’t the only ones who teach each other. Lately I’ve noticed Mr. Meow learning a thing or two from Tabby. That’s right. The wizened old fart is picking up pointers from the young whippersnapper. Lesson 1: Being More Loving Won’t Kill You Mr. Meow’s pretty standoffish with most anyone else. It’s the rare person who doesn’t see him as a creepy cat. But he’s always had his quirky ways of showing me he loves me. … Continue reading

Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Potty Pact

Back in the dark days of this year when poor Tabby harassed Mr. Meow every chance she got even litter box time wasn’t sacred. There was one time, before her pregnancy hormones kicked into high gear and she got so nuts she’d attack him every time she saw him, that was kind of funny though. She decided to be a booger and planted herself in front of Mr. Meow’s potty box and didn’t budge until I moved her. (I wrote about it in Tabby Time: Adjusting to a New Family Member under the “Pottytime” heading.) But for a few months … Continue reading

Chaotic Cat Chronicles: Crouching Meowy, Flying Tabby (Hidden Murphy)

I never could have imagined the even bigger strides that were to follow the end of Mr. Meow’s bed boycott back in June. Distraught The first part of this year was so incredibly stressful. I didn’t know what to do about Tabby and it seemed Mr. Meow had met his ultimate match. He was all freaked out and unhappy, which broke my heart. My poor little Meowy sure didn’t deserve Tabby’s harassment. I felt so guilty. After all, I was the one who’d brought her home and she’d immediately run roughshod over the cat who had previously reigned the kingdom. … Continue reading

Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Case of the Missing Wiffie

We’ve got a big problem in our house. Tabby’s beloved wiffie is missing. I sort of feared this very thing happening. She has other toys, her huts, and even a new “crinkle cave,” but her all-time, number one favorite is her wiffie. Tabby in the crinkle cave. It wasn’t until yesterday that I realized something was missing. There hadn’t been a certain nighttime racket either preventing me from falling to sleep or waking me up. Then it dawned on me, “She hasn’t been whapping her wiffie around!” Which was a relief to realize, because poor Tab just hasn’t been herself … Continue reading

Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Spooky Shriek That Pierced the Night

I never know what I’m going to get around here when it comes time to turn in for the night. Sometimes I get a peaceful, uninterrupted slumber. Sometimes I don’t. A Good Night’s Sleep Most nights I have company –Murphy. He can almost always be found sleeping at the foot of the bed. But some nights Mr. Meow comes to snuggle for a bit, other nights Tabby does, and on the rare and lucky night all three of them will join me. These are usually good nights when sleep’s plentiful. A Not So Good Night’s Sleep But then some nights … Continue reading

Chaotic Cat Chronicles: How Mr. Meow and Tabby Won Over Non-Cat People

My mom and sister flew in from Denver to come visit me last weekend before we move back to Jacksonville. They’d had such a good time when they’d come back in October going to the Tennessee Aquarium and Mammoth Cave that they wanted to come back to do stuff we hadn’t had time to do that trip. (Like Rock City, the Lost River Cave, and Cheekwood Botanical Garden.) They also were curious to meet their newest granddaughter and niece: Tabby. What’s particularly funny about that is neither one of them are cat people. It’s not that they hate cats –they … Continue reading

Mr. Meow and Tabby’s Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Mystery of the Garage

Photo by Marius Largu It seems every week Tabby develops a new disturbing behavior. If she’s not waking me up whacking the blinds at night, she’s waking me up whacking her Wiffie all over the place. In the last week she’s developed yet another obsessive quirk: desperately wanting to get into the garage. (Thankfully this one doesn’t involve waking me up at night. Heaven knows one of us Pets Bloggers has enough trouble with that sort of thing –i.e. Aimee’s Lally wake up calls.) In our other house Mr. Meow used to love when I’d prop the door open and … Continue reading