Are You Too Critical?

How often do you start the day with a morning lecture? My 8-year-old daughter’s answer:  “Too many!” She’s probably right. If she asks for help locating her backpack, I spend five minutes “suggesting” that she hang it in the back hall where she can easily find it. If she complains about taking the same home lunch to school every day I “propose” that she expand her palate because there’s only so much I can do with strawberries, crackers and plain chicken. When she whines about not having enough time to eat a leisurely breakfast before school I “recommend” moving up … Continue reading

Parenting God’s Way – part 2

“Modern mums equate the word wellbeing with ‘happiness’, as if happiness is all that counts or is at least more valuable than discipline, responsibility or overall health,” says social trends researcher Sure, we all want our kids to be happy, but to expect happiness all the time in life is unrealistic. Loss, hard times, sorrow, disappointments come. They are part of life. How are our children going to cope with them if they have not been trained properly, during their growing years? My children both tell people they had happy childhoods. We spent lots of happy hours, reading to them, … Continue reading

Setting Healthy Boundaries for Your Children (1)

In Are You Breeding a Frankenkinder we looked at the preponderance of overindulged and underdisciplined children in today’s society and how we are actually doing our children a gross disservice to “give them everything.” It’s not easy being a parent today. But it’s never been easy being a parent. Or at least, an effective one. We can blame the media for creating a world where our kids just want more and more, but in doing so, we as parents are just passing the buck and refusing to take responsibility for our own actions. Parents today are time-poor, or so we … Continue reading

Love in Action

God has been speaking to me clearly. Maybe He is speaking to you too, as we look at a few questions raised by Romans 5:1-11. Do we have that assurance that we are justified not because of anything we have done? We never can be justified that way, Ephesians2:8-9. We can only be justified by our faith in the Lord Jesus, verse 1. If we have that faith and justification do we know His peace? If not, why not? We have access to the Lord Almighty, verse 2, but how keen are we to avail ourselves of the Almighty and … Continue reading