The Psychology of Why Married Men Cheat, Part 2

In Part 1 I presented some of the reasons the panelists interviewed on Today posed as reasons for why men cheat. Here are the rest. The “Me First” Mentality Jeff Gardere, the psychologist (and the only man on the panel), brought this one up, Dr. Laura seconded it, and Helen Fisher nodded in agreement: men are weak and selfish. I definitely believe this one. Sure, there are some women who can be considered high maintenance, but all men are –no matter how simple they may seem. Admit it, ladies. You may have the greatest guy in the world, but he … Continue reading

The Psychology of Why Married Men Cheat, Part 1

In addition to Matt Lauer interviewing Dina Matos on Today this morning about New York Governor Eliot Spitzer’s prostitution sting scandal, they also brought in a panel of experts (Dr. Laura Schlessinger, anthropologist Helen Fisher, and psychologist Jeff Gardere) to examine why men cheat. (Men in general as well as men in high places.) They focused on men because they’re more inclined to do it than women. The statistic they presented was that one in five married men have cheated. (Compared to only 12 percent of married women having cheated.) So why is it men are more prone to it? … Continue reading

What You Might Not Have Known About Affairs

In my quest to find information about affairs and STDs I stumbled across “Infidelity: Myths, Facts and Healing,” an article by Ofer Zur, Ph.D. Dr. Zur discussed all manner of things related to affairs and presented some very interesting facts about them. Or at least I found them interesting. They were things I didn’t know. I listed my revelations below. 1. Finally! A concise definition of infidelity. Maybe Dr. Zur’s not the first to define it thusly, but of all the definitions I’ve read this one was most succinctly stated: “Infidelity is unfaithfulness to a sexual partner in an agreed … Continue reading

Affairs and STDs

You often hear people talk about the psychological issues they suffer after finding out a spouse has had an affair (namely lack of trust), and there’s the other kind of fallout that manifests (counseling and divorce), but what about the health issues? How many affairs result in the contraction of an STD? Perhaps it’s a weird thing to wonder about. (Then again, I’m prone to that. “How Do Monkeys Keep Their Nails Clipped?” is proof.) But there you have it, I’m wondering about it. I blame Wayne. Not because he cheated and gave me an STD, but because of his … Continue reading

Mental Affairs

In a very recent article Courtney touched on the fact that affairs can have different levels. Some affairs are purely a physical attraction and others have emotional ties to them. As she stated in her article, it would be harder to accept an emotional affair rather than a physical one. Having feelings about the person brings the affair to a new level. In this article I too would like to touch on affairs. Hopefully not stepping too much into Courtney’s topic, I would like to discuss mental affairs. In some cases, mates have affairs in their minds. Of course these … Continue reading

Which is Worse: An Emotional Affair or a Physical One?

Other than receiving news your spouse is dead (either because he or she was murdered, involved in a fatal car accident, or killed during some other tragedy) I can’t think of much worse news you could receive than to find out your spouse was unfaithful. But there are two kinds of affairs: physical ones and affairs of the heart. As I wrote in True Love Doesn’t Equal Perfect Love, if Wayne ever confessed to an affair I wouldn’t automatically start seeking legal services. I’d wait to figure out what kind of tryst he’d had. (Unless, of course, he told me … Continue reading

My Husband’s Fascination with Cheaters

When I say “cheaters” I’m referring to the TV show Cheaters, which is all about just what its names implies: people being unfaithful to girlfriends/boyfriends, fiancés, and spouses. Suspicious lovers come to the producers with theories their significant other is being unfaithful, investigators are hired, and the suspected cheater is followed and their actions are documented on film. If the target is caught doing anything (which is almost guaranteed; I have yet to see a show where anyone was innocent), the evidence is then presented to the suspicious lover. Then it’s confrontation time, with cameras still rolling. Wayne loves this … Continue reading

Would You Confess to Having An Affair?

One main component in a successful relationship between two people is honesty and trust. Without it, most people find that their relationship falls apart. Couples have to feel confident that they have their mate’s love and honor. They have to know that the relationship is strong and dependable. Sadly not all relationships have trust. Once trust is broken, it can be very difficult to get back. We all know that there are people out there that have affairs and that are unfaithful to their spouse. We hear about mates who get caught and couples who divorce and couples who work … Continue reading

Computing News Roundup for October 3, 2007

Are people still angry about the iPhone price reduction? You bet; and they are taking action. Find out the details to this story and other in the computing news roundup for October 3, 2007. iPhone Anger In New York City, Donmei Li is suing Apple Inc. for its decision to reduce the price on the 8GB iPhone by $200 and to discontinue the 4GB iPhone. Li is seeking $1 million in damages, saying the price reduction injured her and others like her who cannot resell the iPhone for the same profit as those customers who bought the phone after the … Continue reading

When The Trust is Broken…

We have all heard of marriage partners that are unfaithful. We also know that some couples that experience an affair end in divorce and others stay together and work through their problems. Thankfully, I have never had to encounter terrible circumstances such as these. However, I do know people that have partners that have broken that sacred trust. So what do you do when the trust is no longer there? I feel that trust is essential in a relationship. It would be very difficult to live worrying about where your spouse is and if he/she is telling you the truth. … Continue reading