Playful Artwork: Checkerboard Rug

Instead of a checkerboard blanket, perhaps you’d like to make a checkerboard rug. They are simple to make and they make a great addition to the playroom, family room, game room, or your child’s bedroom. Checkerboard from Carpet At your local carpet store, check for remnants in the traditional black and red, or in the colors of your choice. You can make one as large or as small as you like. Cut squares from each remnant using a utility knife and a straight edge. Arrange the pieces in a checkerboard pattern then turn them upside down. Attach them in rows … Continue reading

Playful Artwork: Checkerboard Blanket

Any item in the home that serves more than one purpose is a good value. This project will give you the opportunity to create great artwork for children’s spaces, and at the same time give your kids something extra to play with. Checkerboard Blanket For this project you will need black and red fleece or other fabric (for a traditional checkerboard), and the amount needed depends on how large you want the blanket to be. Fleece is generally sold by the yard, and is usually at least 60″ wide, which will give you fifteen 12″ squares per yard length. Cut … Continue reading