What Makes a Good Marriage Partner?

Most of us dream at some stage of the person we will marry. Some of us even set down a few ideas or a checklist of what we’d like in a mate. But what really makes a good marriage partner. When I asked Mick this question he came up with the answer. ‘Me,’ he said jokingly. While I agree wholeheartedly, we then started to talk more about it in depth. The list he came up with was similar to mine. Here’s our ideas. A good marriage partner is someone who: 1. puts their spouse and their needs first. That means … Continue reading

Spring Home Safety Check List

Just like a person, your home needs regular check ups to ensure that it is healthy, or at least safe for you and your family. Here are some things around your home that you should check in the spring. If you have an air conditioning system, have a professional air conditioning specialist (contractor) inspect your system. This specialist should also be able to clean and maintain your system. You don’t want to have any issues with it when summer comes. Replace the filter in your furnace (if you have one). Inspect your driveway and walkway, and repair any cracks or … Continue reading

Weekly Pet Health Checklist

We spend a lot of time with our pets — after all, we share the same living space! But frequent contact can make it easy to miss subtle changes in health or behavior. This weekly health checklist can help you keep on top of your pet’s well being. A weekly health check is also a good way to get your pet used to being handled regularly! Is your pet acting “normal” — are they active and in general good spirits? Is your pet sleeping as much as he usually does? Does your pet move without stiffness, pain, or limping? Is … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for Week Ending May 31

Love these end of the week reviews where we can see what articles we talked about this week and catch you up on articles you may have missed. Is May really over? Can you imagine it? Let’s take a good look at what we did this week. Focus on the Olympics Our Focus on the Olympics series continued with looks at Ian Crocker, Eric Vendt, Jessica Hardy, Kate Ziegler, Brendan Hansen, Larsen Jensen, Margaret Hoelzer, Aaron Perisol, Jason Lezak, Ryan Lochte and Chip Peterson. If you haven’t had a chance to check out these athletes, they are definitely worth reading … Continue reading

End of May Fitness Goal Checklist

It’s the last day of May and it’s time to look back at the month behind us. I think it’s important that we take a day to self-assess where we are and where we’re going. Rather than waiting for the end of December 2008, let’s take a moment to check out how we are doing right now: How are your goals going? Have you started working towards achieving them? Are you encountering obstacles in your path? What are the obstacles? Are you discouraged or are you challenged? Are you still striving towards your goals? Have you made it to the … Continue reading

Moving Checklist Continued

Congratulations on your move! We are counting down all of the thing you need to do before the big day. If you missed the earlier article, click here: Moving Checklist. We started out preparing at six weeks before the move, now we are down to the wire. Here is the rest of the list. 2 weeks before the move Clean out your pantry. Plan out using items from your pantry to make your meals for the next two weeks. Separate out any food items that you won’t be using and consider donating them to a food bank or giving them … Continue reading

Moving Checklist

Planning a move? Here is a checklist of what you need to do. 8 weeks before the move Set a date for a garage or estate sale, or make arrangements for a donation pick up. Contact your children’s new school to find out how to register. Ask the old school to begin the transfer process and make any paperwork requests. Contact your insurance companies to notify them of your move date and any changes if applicable. Start your move file with folders (either on your computer or in a file folder or binder. Include a to do list, and sections … Continue reading

Preparedness for Baby Sitters

Whether you only intend to be gone for an hour or you plan to be gone for most of the day or evening, your baby sitter needs tools and information in order to provide the best care for your children. It’s also important to give the baby sitter a tour of your home to point out important things such as fire extinguishers, hazards, open windows that need to closed and locked after dark, or anything else you consider important. Make sure the sitter also knows how various appliances work and what to do if a circuit breaker is tripped (and … Continue reading

Thanksgiving: Turkey Day Checklist

Creating wonderful holiday get-togethers takes some know how but it also requires a good deal of planning. There are so many details to consider, that it makes sense to make lists. You use a grocery list to shop, so why not use lists to keep everything else straight? This means writing down everything so you won’t forget little things and so you can make sure you have everything you need before the big day arrives. Have you ever found yourself running around on Thanksgiving morning looking for your turkey baster or other utensils? If you don’t use certain things often … Continue reading