Bulk Shopping: Spend Now, Save Long Term

Sometimes, you have to spend a little more now to save money in the long run. That was a hard thing for me to learn, especially since I was raised to spend as little as possible. Bulk shopping wasn’t really “in” when I was little, but it has grown more and more popular. Sometimes it can be a very good way to save money, especially when purchasing items you know you will use or are able to store until you can use them. Now that I have a chest freezer, I can take advantage of more deals, especially when it … Continue reading

Great Money Saver: The Chest Freezer

Having a large family creates a need for more freezer space. I decided that my large family could use some extra space so that we could take advantage of great sales. My husband and I did some research and learned that chest freezers use only about half the electricity each year as do their upright counterparts. This persuaded us that the chest freezer was the best option for our family. Having limited space, we decided to go with a small freezer. We chose the 5.0 cubic feet model. Then we had to select a brand. After reading many reviews we … Continue reading