DIY Chew Toy

My brother’s two dogs are super chewers. We often have a hard time finding toys that will survive for more than a few minutes around their powerful jaws! Recently, I wondered if I could make a toy that would stand up to a power chewer. In theory, it isn’t hard to make a dog toy. Just take the fabric of your choosing, sew it into a simple shape like a rectangle or circle, stuff it with cotton batting, and close the hole. Easy, right? But when you’re dealing with power chewers, you have to be even more crafty. You need … Continue reading

FYI: Cool Pet/Animal Tip Offs Fellow Members Have Shared With Me

The other day I wrote about My Life as a Pets Blogger Parts I and II, but something I forgot to mention is how sometimes people pass neat stories or otherwise pet-related info my way. (Like Aimee did with an article that I referenced in Michael Vick Learns Animal Lovers Are a Force to Be Reckoned With.) Well, Aimee’s done it again, but so have a couple of others. I’d like to share with you what they shared with me, because you might find it equally interesting. The Michael Vick Pet Chew Toy This one came to me again courtesy … Continue reading

Toys for Power Chewers

Some pups will take a favorite toy and take care of it. Others will take anything and everything you give them and tear it to shreds. If you’ve ever come home to find a snowfall of cotton stuffing in your living room, you may live with a power chewer. My brother’s dog Kuma is a power chewer. Every toy she gets her paws (and teeth) on ends up in tatters. If it’s stuffed… if it has a squeaker… it’s doomed. I’ve spent quite a bit of time looking for a toy that can outlast Kuma’s powerful jaw. At the holidays, … Continue reading

Best Dog Toy Ever!

If you ask my girl Lally, the best toy EVER in the history of squeaky toys is the Freaky Squeaky ball from Zanies. We first encountered Freaky Squeakies at our vet in Vermont. And to be completely honest, the first one to fall in love with the oblong, colorful balls… was me. I thought the little face, the bright colors, and the little high-pitched squeak was TOO CUTE! At first, Lally wasn’t one hundred percent on board with the Freaky Squeakies. But it soon became her number one favorite toy. Your dog may act the same way when he is … Continue reading