More Hearty Winter Soup Recipes: Turkey and Rice and Tropical Chicken

The Midwest is bracing for record cold temperatures today and tomorrow, while people in the East are hunkering down to take on the big chill later this week. While hot soup may not help jump start your car in the morning, it does help warm a body on a cold winter’s day. The following soups are affordable ways to feed large families on frigid days. Both are simple to make and can doubled if you want leftovers or are hosting a soup party: TROPICAL CHICKEN SOUP Ingredients: 2-3 pounds chicken thighs, cut in half (use boneless, skinless chicken thighs) 3 … Continue reading

Release of New Chicken Soup for the Soul Book: Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is the latest rage in life management. It essentially teaches that as we send out positive effort into the universe, we’ll get positive results. Of course there’s much more to it than that, and with the latest release from the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” people, you can learn more about it and see how other people managed to take control of their lives and achieve their dreams. Thirty-five stories are included in the anthology. In addition, you’ll find lessons and step-by-step exercises to help you create your ideal life. The creators of the book—Jack Canfield, … Continue reading

Fight A Cold With The Right Foods

Stuffy nose? Check. Scratchy throat? Check. Tickling throat and cough? Check and check. Sounds like the formula for a few days of misery while your body fights off a cold. Running to the kitchen can help ease your symptoms and help you feel better faster. Chicken soup. An oldie but a goodie! The salt in the broth is soothing to sore throats. The warmth can help break up mucous. The veggies are full of vitamins and minerals your body needs. What’s not to like? Whole grains. The zinc in whole grains helps your immune system keep running at peak performance. … Continue reading