What to Do if Your Child has Been Abused

No parent ever wants to even consider that his or her child has been abused. But with the number of abuse cases increasing every year it is important for parents to know what to do if they suspect or if their child tells them of abuse. According to professionals who work with abused children, as a parent your initial response is extremely important in determining how well your child recovers from the abuse. Also it is important that you follow some specific guidelines, in order to make a case against the abuser. Stay calm. Do not overreact. You want your … Continue reading

Our Children in Danger From Child Molesters

How Common is Sexual Abuse? Studies in the United States show that up to one in every three or four girls and one in every four to ten boys has been sexually abused before age 18. These numbers are most likely low since many abuse occurrences go unreported. The FBI believes that only 1-10% of cases is ever disclosed. Child molesters who victimize girls average 50 victims before being caught and those of boys average 150 victims. The average pedophile molests 117 children before being caught and incarcerated. Children between the ages of 5 and 12 are most vulnerable. The … Continue reading