Favorite Pregnancy Themed Movies

Here is a list of some of my favorite movies featuring pregnancy: Fools Rush In I’m a sucker for dramatic child birth scenes in movies, and I know I’m not the only one! When Salma Hayek goes into labor on the bridge in the pouring rain, Matthew Perry yells, “but we’re on a dam!” as though that mattered! Every time she screams, he screams with her and his face is priceless. I always tear up when they cuddle their new baby girl together for the first time. Knocked Up I love how this movie brought up all the awkward issues … Continue reading

When Your Partner Doesn’t Want to Attend the Birth

For the vast majority of couples, the husband’s presence in the delivery room is taken for granted. Gone are the days when the father to be would sit in the waiting room, smoking cigars and waiting for news about the baby. For the past few generations, fathers have been welcomed into the delivery room and have taken an active role in helping their wives cope during labor. There are still some men out there who would love to go back to those days. For a variety of reasons, these men have no desire to witness the birth of their children. … Continue reading

The Benefits of Family in the Delivery Room

At some point in your pregnancy, you will need to decide who will be joining you in the delivery room. Some women like a lot of support and believe birth is a family event that should be shared. Women with this belief like more than just their partners in the room. There are some benefits to having family present in the delivery room. If you are the kind of person who draws support from family and close friends, you may like company during labor. Giving birth surrounded by love and support can be a beautiful way to welcome a baby … Continue reading

Pregnancy After a Traumatic Birth

A traumatic birth experience can cause some women to resist getting pregnant again. Some women get over a bad birth experience quickly. Others suffer emotional distress for months or even years after the birth of their babies. When these women do get pregnant again, they worry right away that this time will be just like last time. If you are pregnant and your last birth was traumatic, you can heal and have a much different experience this time. The first step is to figure out exactly what was traumatic about the experience. Write down what was difficult about the birth … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Water Birth: Fluid Pain Relief

My second daughter was born at home via water delivery. Today is her three-month birthday. Today I rejoice in her magical birth. I had planned a water birth at home from the very beginning. I knew that having a water birth would probably be the best thing for me to do, and I was very excited about it. I only wish that I had delivered my first in the same way, but being a young first time mother, it wasn’t something that I knew enough about. In the almost five years before becoming pregnant again, I had come across the … Continue reading

When Birth Doesn’t Go As Planned

You have an image of your birth in mind throughout your pregnancy. Maybe you imagine yourself to be an Earth mama. You will have this baby with no pain medications and no unnecessary medical interventions. You write your birth plan, read books, take classes and watch birth videos. As the day approaches, you feel confident and ready to deliver your baby. That is how many of us approach birth for the first time. We are eager to try the exercises and relaxation techniques we learned in child birth classes. However, sometimes life doesn’t go according to plan. When the birth … Continue reading

What Kind of Birth Do You Want?

If you are pregnant, you may be thinking about writing a birth plan. You won’t be able to write an effective plan until you have decided the kind of birth you want. Do you want a natural birth in a relaxed setting, such as at home or in a birth center? Do you prefer the hospital setting with doctors and nurses close by to monitor your progress? Do you want pain relief or would you like a drug free birth? Where your baby is born will impact the kind of birth you have. Your baby can be born in the … Continue reading

Great Birth Books

Yesterday I wrote a blog about finding great pregnancy books. You will be thinking a lot about and making plans your upcoming birth. The best way to reduce fear of labor is to get educated about labor. Reading is a great way to begin to think about what you want in your labor. There are many books written on this subject. I’m going to share a little about a few that I really like. The Birth Book: Everything You Need to Know to Have a Safe and Satisfying Birth by William Sears, MD and Martha Sears RN Dr. Sears is … Continue reading

Including Children in Home Births

One reason some women choose to give birth at home is the ability to have other family members present. This includes the baby’s older siblings. These women tend to view birth as an experience to be shared by the whole family. While siblings can be present at some hospital births, it is easier to accommodate them at a home birth. Your older children may feel more comfortable attending a birth at home. The hospital can seem like a big, scary place to children. They feel comfortable and safe in their homes, so it makes sense that they would feel more … Continue reading

The Benefits of Home Birth

There are benefits to having a baby at home, for many women. The mother benefits during labor and in her ability to bond as a family with her baby and other children. The baby benefits by bonding with mom and may have less risk of infection after birth. If you are considering a home birth, make an appointment with a midwife to determine if you are a good candidate for home birth. As long as you are healthy and your pregnancy is not complicated, you may be able to give birth at home. There is increased bonding time for the … Continue reading