Why Women Choose Homebirth

Women choose homebirth for a variety of reasons. The reasons are as varied as the women choosing this type of birth. I have always wanted a homebirth. Sadly, with four children, I never got to have a baby in my home. My husband was always afraid of the concept. I gave in and went off to the hospital for each of my four babies. If I could do it over again, I would give it a try at home. My husband’s grandmother made me want to give birth at home. When we were first married she said, “Now I want … Continue reading

Recovering from a C Section

Most c sections aren’t planned and you may be surprised at the recovery period. Keep in mind that a c section is major surgery and give your body the time it needs to heal. It takes about six weeks to feel better after the c section. Don’t try to do too much too fast and follow your doctor’s instructions. In the hospital, take the pain medications you are offered. Don’t try to be brave and deal with the pain. You just had surgery. There are medications that are safe for breastfeeding mothers. Make sure your doctor knows you are nursing, … Continue reading

When Your Due Date Passes

If your pregnancy goes beyond your due date, you may feel disappointed or upset. You’ve been waiting all this time for that magical date to arrive, but it comes and goes with no baby. It may help to know you’re not alone. Many women go past their due date. About 10% of pregnancies go past 42 weeks. Remember that a due date is an estimate. Only about 5% of babies are born on their due dates. The rest come either before or after the date. Your due date is calculated by your last menstrual period. If you aren’t exactly sure … Continue reading

Recovery After Childbirth

The recovery period after having a baby is often not discussed. The focus is on labor and birth and many women are surprised by the recovery time. After pregnancy, your body goes through many changes and healing. Knowing what to expect can help you deal with these changes. Your body is not only changing physically, but emotionally as well. As in early pregnancy, your body will be going through major hormonal changes. The levels of progesterone and estrogen drop rapidly, as much as 90% in the first few days after birth. This can make you feel irritable and you may … Continue reading

A New Parent’s Surprising Look at Birth Control

We do so love our children. But many of us find ourselves in a position of wanting to slow down or stop the baby-making. Most of us know the basics about birth control. We know that condoms are effective if used consistently and as long as they do not break. We know that The Pill is very effective but may have side-effects that are not pleasant. We know about abstinence. But what are the other options and how effective are there? Are there any issues for those of us with post-childbirth bodies? Did you know that the withdrawal method is … Continue reading

Types of Epidurals

For some women, epidurals are a life saver. In an induction or very long labor, an epidural can allow you to rest and save your energy for the delivery. There is no longer just one option in epidural anesthesia. Several options are available to laboring women. Ask your doctor or the anesthesiologist about your options before the big day. The traditional epidural is a continuous dose of a combination of medications, generally an anesthetic and a narcotic. This is the most common type of epidural used. You are numbed from the waist down. It takes about twenty minutes to feel … Continue reading