Can We Be a Family of Two?

It is part of our culture to assume that when two people get married, they will have children. From our earliest youth we are taught this is the way it is with songs like: John and Mary, kissing in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G First comes love Then comes marriage Then comes John and Mary with a baby carriage. However, there is nothing wrong with the couple that makes the choice to forgo parenthood. While there are some who may disagree with me, the idea of a couple deliberately electing to be childless may be non-conformist, but it isn’t abnormal. Why Would … Continue reading

You Can’t Do That on Television – Nickelodeon is…

With so many networks available for kids to watch these days, Nickelodeon is making good on a very old promise from their own infancy. A show used to air on their network called: You Can’t Do That on Television and today, they continue with that theory by telling kids to turn off the television and go outside to play. In recent memory, the Nickelodeon channel has hosted four on air challenges and according to news reports, they’ve helped some kids to lose up to 30 pounds as they inspire children and their families to eat healthier and exercise more. The … Continue reading