In Jesse’s Shoes – A Fabulous Book Giveaway!

Yesterday I received a copy of a beautiful book entitled, In Jesse’s Shoes by Beverly Lewis, illustrated by Laura Nikiel, and published by Bethany House Publishers. It’s a story about a girl, Allie, who must accompany her special needs brother Jesse to the bus stop each morning. In doing so she faces the ridicule and cruel remarks of her peers: “Your brother’s weird.” “Is something…wrong with him?” Allie also struggles with her own secret feelings of disappointment and frustration, wondering why she can’t have a normal brother like everyone else. Allie goes on an outing with her brother, where he … Continue reading

Christian Book Distributor’s Bargain Bonanza

*sigh* All the money I’m saving by reading MaryAnn’s frugal blogs is being spent on deals! I’m almost ready to quit saving money on them. Not! I have this fantasy where one year I’ll spend nothing that isn’t absolutely necessary. Fortunately, I always wake up! I ordered today from Christian Book Distributors. They’re having a Bargain Bonanza. Here’s what was in my basket: Lucy’s Christmas Box – I loved the Chronicles of Narnia. Yeah, it was Disney-fied and Aslan was wimped down, but for the most part, it kept the magic of the original C.S. Lewis classic. We’ve collected and … Continue reading