A Worrying Trend

Lately there seems to have been an upsurge in the number of people in the forums raising the issue of a Muslim marrying or being involved in relationship with a Christian. In nearly each case it is the man that is the Muslim. I think it is a worrying trend. Marriage is hard enough to maintain through the tough times and the problems life throws at us, without added complications and being at odds with your spouse over what should be the most fundamental things. Firstly though, we need to define what people mean when a person declares themselves a … Continue reading

Take Time to Pray (2)

Previously I wrote a blog over different times and situations in which one could take the opportunity to pray. Here are a few more times, things, and people for which Christians can pray to the Lord. Pray . . . Before making a big decision (or even a little decision). It is vital to include God in your plans no matter what you are doing. Sometimes I find it easier to remember to pray before things like making a decision about taking a new job or moving than the little decisions I make in my life. Although it is not … Continue reading