The Day After Christmas

The day after Christmas can be a little depressing. The cookies are getting stale, some of those much desired toys looked a lot cooler on TV, regular food is boring after all those holiday feasts, the tree is starting to droop, and all the pretty wrappings are in the garbage. Here, it’s even too cold to be outside. Here are some of my ideas for putting smiles back on those sad little faces. Top off mugs of hot chocolate with whipped cream. Add a few sprinkles of colored sugar to the top. If you want to go all out give … Continue reading

Keeping it Simple: What A Week It’s Been

Has it really only been five days since last Sunday – it feels like an eternity. I shared with you all some of the trials we’ve been coping with here and my husband’s emergency appendectomy. He came home late on Monday and he’s spent the last few days sleeping a great deal. It’s amazing how much energy a recovering body needs to repair itself. Taking it Slow We’re taking this health scare as a bit of a cautionary tale to take things slower and easier this holiday season. We’re big on the deck the halls here and we usually go … Continue reading