Last-Minute Teacher Gifts

It’s nearly Christmas. Are you looking for a homemade teacher gift for your child’s teacher? Teachers work very hard all year, and Christmas is a good time to show them how much they are appreciated. Whether you’re making something for a soccer coach, Girl Scout leader, or your child’s classroom teacher,here are some ideas for last-minute Christmas gifts. 1. A homemade card I volunteer in a number of ways in the community. I always appreciate the thought behind a homemade card. I don’t need a lot of things, but a message of love in a card is always appreciated. 2. … Continue reading

Keep It Simple

In the wake of the senseless shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, many parents are reevaluating their priorities.  With Christmas just a few days away, there’s been a shift from chaotic to calm. Whereas a week ago many parents were rushing around like decapitated chickens trying to hunt down a mountain of material items to place under the tree, today, those same parents are realizing that life’s greatest gift isn’t something that can be wrapped in pretty paper.  Rather, moms and dads around the world are slowing down and savoring every minute with their kids.  If the incomprehensible loss of … Continue reading

12 Days of Housekeeping

On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me: a steam mop under the tree.   On the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me: two Swiffer dusters and a steam mop under the tree.   On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me: three magic erasers two Swiffer dusters and a steam mop under the tree.   On the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: four bleach pen gels three magic erasers two Swiffer dusters and a steam mop under the tree.   On the … Continue reading

Looking Toward the Light: Centering Spaces and Rituals in Your Home

It is snowing today, and it is quiet. It’s still early in the morning, and everyone else in the house is asleep. This is the time when I can write, and it’s a time when I can be by myself, cultivating my introverted self. This is the busy season, and it is also a season that is dark. This time of the year brings families together, and it is also a sad time for those who have lost friends and family – during this year, during any year. My aunt died suddenly and tragically at Christmas time, and my father’s … Continue reading

Holiday Sanity-Savers Around the House

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas, and the crazy is in the air. If you’re trying to figure out how to manage, here are some ideas that I use to calm down. Prioritize You may like a clean toilet bowl or a clutter-free house. You may want to do all of the Christmas activities, and then some. You will likely need to prioritize. What can you slack off on during the Christmas season? What’s really important? Set out some priorities so that you do what you really want to do instead of running around like that proverbial chicken. … Continue reading

Christmas Break Boredom Busters

Today is the last day of school for many kids in our area.  Their Christmas break begins this afternoon and I’m sure they couldn’t be happier.  Their parents, on the other hand, may not share the same feeling. A week from now those same kids may be climbing the walls looking for ways to keep busy.  If you fear boredom will get the best of your brood before Santa flies into town, consider putting your kids to work making these simple and inexpensive holiday decorations that you can use to brighten up your home or give as gifts: Pretty Presents:  … Continue reading

Thrift Store Treasures

If you are a single mother, chances are money is pretty tight around this time of year, well let’s face it, money is tight all year round! With the holidays right around the corner you may be feeling the financial pressure weighing on your shoulders. It’s hard to provide Christmas for your children when you are already struggling to make it on your own. However, there are lots of things that can make this time a little less stressful for a single mother. Yesterday afternoon Logan and I went to a local thrift store with some friends of ours. We … Continue reading

Making Christmas More Joyful for Kids With Special Needs

Many of us look forward to Christmas. Kids that have certain types of special needs might feel left out, or overwhelmed, by the ways that their family celebrates this holiday. Here are some quick tips to help make Christmas more joyful for kids who have special needs. It is a tradition that children write a letter to Santa. Sometimes, Santa answers that letter. When he does, it a note that is written on paper, (and possibly signed by Santa himself). This makes many children happy. However, it leaves out the kids who are blind or who have a vision impairment. … Continue reading

Toddler Craft Idea – Salt Dough Christmas Ornaments

A few days ago, I was able to find time to do a fun holiday craft with Dylan while Blake was napping. It was a Saturday, and we had a few hours to spend at home before we went to a birthday party later that afternoon. I had been thinking about making salt dough Christmas ornaments for a few days, and it seemed like just the right time to do it. There are many different versions of the salt dough Christmas ornament recipe online. I used a simple recipe of two cups of flour, one cup of salt, and a … Continue reading

Making Merry Without a Lot of Money

Lawmakers are spending the last days of December trying to avert the fiscal cliff, while the rest of the country is spending wads of cash trying to prevent disappointed looks from loved ones on Christmas morning. But, what if you don’t have a ton of money to spend making merry this holiday season? With the economy still in the dumpster and little hope on the horizon, many people are struggling to be festive on a limited budget.  Fortunately, there are ways you can get into the spirit of the season without going broke: GAMES Rather than forking over 20 or … Continue reading