More Lessons from My Mother

In my last blog entry, I recounted a few of the things I’ve learned from my fabulous mom. I’ve learned so much, though, that I felt I needed to add a few more that have shaped my LDS views on motherhood, selflessness, and church service. I learned how to be a mother from Mom (skills that I’ll soon be using). I learned what nurturing is at the hand of my mother. She’s the glue that makes our family function and every member feel fulfilled and loved. As the second oldest child of seven (and the oldest at home from age … Continue reading

Helping Your Family Adjust to Your New Calling

When you receive a new calling there is a period of time in which you adjust to the new calling and the demands that it puts on you. However there are some callings that are more demanding than others. Additionally these callings may take up so much of your time that your entire family has to adjust to the calling. Here are some tips to help you and your family adjust to the calling. First set up some boundaries about time that will always be just family time. It is important that you make sure that your family time does … Continue reading

Talents and Callings

When we think of callings and talents we generally feel that we are called to serve in areas where we already have developed our talents. However, we are often called to serve in areas where we can grow. This may seem frustrating at first, because there are areas where it may be easier to serve than others, but it is important to look at this in a positive manner. You may want to consider how your talents can be applied to this new calling. If you are called as a teacher, but consider your strongest talents to be in music, … Continue reading

Do You Have More than One Calling?

In the church, leaders are discouraged from giving people more than one calling. This can become overwhelming and very time consuming. However there are wards and branches that are small enough that it is a necessity to have people serving and helping in more than one area. It can also become difficult if the majority of the stake leadership callings come from your ward as well. Here are five tips to make holding more than one calling possible. 1) The first step is to make sure that you really need to fill the calling. For example I served in the … Continue reading

Supporting Your Spouse in His or Her Calling

When your spouse gets a calling in essence you receive the calling as well. Well not quite, but you do have to deal with allowing your spouse the extra time that he or she needs to complete the calling. This can be a difficult at times. I think that Bishop’s families and Relief Society President’s families often have the most that they have to deal with in terms of the whole family being affected by the calling. Here are four ways that you can support your spouse in his or her calling. 1) Allow your spouse time to prepare for … Continue reading

Are You Aspiring to a Calling?

Have you ever aspired to a calling? At the adult session of my stake conference, my stake president spoke about this briefly. He actually shared a personal story of a time when he was sure he was going to receive a calling, but then he did not. He spoke of the brief disappointment, and then the realization that the Lord knew what He was doing. He also spoke of how people are prepared to serve. Since then I have been thinking about this. This January when I was released as a Sunday School teacher, I was told that they already … Continue reading