Things Parents Should Know About Vaping

The results of a national survey about teens and vaping was published on The New England Journal of Medicine on December 17, 2018. Here are some things parents should know about vaping. What is vaping? The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center has a good explanation of vaping: “E-cigarettes are nicotine delivery devices that have a battery, a heating element and a container for liquid. When liquid is heated, users inhale the vapor. The liquids are usually flavored and contain nicotine, so users experience a taste sensation as well as a hit of the same addictive stimulant found in … Continue reading

Keeping Special Needs Kids Healthy

Cold and flu season are right around the corner, and for parents of some special needs children, it’s a season we particularly dread. Our kids frequently have underlying medical conditions that can make even the most typical of childhood illnesses anything but child’s play. This season is of special concern with the emergence of the novel H1N1 virus, commonly known as the Swine Flu. H1N1 is expected to infect up to 40 percent of the population this flu season, which is double the usual number of expected cases of seasonal flu. And unlike the seasonal flu that normally targets the … Continue reading

Should Menthol Flavoring in Cigarettes be Banned?

There is a bill before Congress right now that would ban some flavor additives in cigarettes: mint, clove, and vanilla. These flavorings are under fire because they’re seen as appealing to young people. One flavor that isn’t on the list? Menthol. According to government estimates, menthol is a pretty popular cigarette flavoring among certain groups of smokers. More than seventy-five percent of black smokers choose menthol cigarettes. That translates into nearly thirty percent of the entire cigarette market. Some members of the American Medical Association — including some who served as government health secretaries under several administrations — are opposing … Continue reading

Prevention…as a Parenting Goal

Focusing in on what we can prevent as parents may seem a little idealistic. After all, too much concentration on trying to stop things before they start can affect our flexibility and reaction time. But, I still think there is something to be said for preparation and prevention and trying to figure out what sort of behavior issues, bad habits, and chaotic messes we can prevent—before we ever have to deal with them… I think that how a parent handles prevention is one of the ways you can tell a really seasoned parent—the ones who have learned how to keep … Continue reading

Skin Cancer and Your Diet

I’m at high risk for contracting skin cancer. It’s a fact I live with everyday. Consequently, I am always on the lookout for new information regarding skin cancer. Like most of you I realize the single best way to protect your skin (and prevent cancer) is to avoid sunburn. I adhere to all of my doctor’s warnings… I wear a hat, protective clothing, and sunglasses. I find a shady spot when I am at outdoor events and I slather on the sunscreen even if I am only going to be out in the sun for a little while. Now I’m … Continue reading

New Hope For Those With Skin Cancer

In previous blogs I noted that I am at high risk for skin cancer. I grew up in Hawaii long before “UVA,” “UVB,” and “SPF” were regularly used in conversations about sun exposure. Instead, the only thing I applied to my skin prior to venturing out in the hot Hawaiian sun was baby oil. As a result, I’ve suffered many serious burns and have had to visit the dermatologist on several occasions. Who knew my efforts to achieve a “healthy” golden glow would lead to my current situation of diligently conducting self-skin examinations on a daily basis? I know way … Continue reading

Combating The Signs Of Aging

We recently spent an enjoyable Easter with a boatload of family members… and I have the pictures to prove it. Yesterday, I had several rolls of film developed, and while most of the shots are wonderful (mainly the ones with my daughter and nephew) others (any of the ones I am in) leave less to be desired. I am not a fan of botox, nor do I have the time or money to indulge in fancy peels or facials… and frankly, you can tell. The signs of aging on my face are MORE than apparent. After looking at the Easter … Continue reading

March 28th is Kick Butts Day!

The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids is gearing up for Kick Butts Day on Wednesday, March 28th. Kick Butts Day is a chance for kids to stand up, speak out, and take control of the fight against tobacco. For eleven years, Kick Butts Day has united children of all ages in the fight against tobacco. How can you and your friends and family celebrate Kick Butts Day? Here are some ideas: Start at the Kick Butts Day website. Get some information about what tobacco does to your body and learn what events are going on in your area. If you’re … Continue reading

How Big is Your LDL?

I recently talked with you about the difference between good and bad cholesterol. Here’s a summary for you before I get started on this next part. LDL=Bad HDL=Good LDL represents the kind of cholesterol scientists associate with arterial plaque- build-up that causes blockages related to heart attacks and strokes. Well, now they’ve taken an even closer look at this sticky artery blocking stuff and determined that size matters. Apparently LDL molecules come in all different sizes from small to very large. The small molecules are more concentrated. They move more sluggishly through the blood stream. The larger ones seem to … Continue reading

Simple Health Lessons from Cub Scouts

I’m lucky enough (hah!) to have a son in the Cub Scout program. Cub scouting parents are handed a list of things to buy, and a nice requirement book. Sometimes we’re given no more direction than “have at it!” but that’s another subject entirely. This week, my husband and I decided to spend some time helping our son with some of his scouting requirements. We chose to look at the ones having to do with health. Sometimes we get a little overwhelmed trying to figure out how to be healthy and help our families be healthy. There are a million … Continue reading