The Best Time of Day

Are you a morning person or a night owl? Throughout my school years, I was a morning person. I arranged my college schedule to have class in the mornings and afternoons free. I’d still rather do the bulk of my thinking in the early part of the day and leave the after-lunch hours for less brain-intensive activities. Brain power can actually wax and wane as the day progresses! Researchers have looked at the “best” times of day for different activities, based on brain chemistry. Early mornings (like the first few hours after you wake up) are the best time for … Continue reading

Vocabulary Word of the Day: Body Clock

Body Clock means an internal mechanism of the body that is thought to regulate physical and mental functions in rhythm with normal daily activities. (American Heritage Stedman’s Medical Dictionary) To a homeschooler, body clock means sleeping when you need to sleep and leaning when you are most alert. “A survey of sleep-deprived teens (presented at the American Thoracic Society 2007 International Conference, on Sunday, May 20) finds they think that a later start time for school and tests given later in the school day would result in better grades.” The survey said what parents already know. Students are sleep deprived … Continue reading