Revisiting Circumcision

Circumcision is one of those controversial decisions that every parent of a boy must make. We have blogged on it before but I felt it necessary to revisit the issue. The AAP has been neutral on the issue saying that the potential benefits of circumcision do not necessitate the procedure. They describe it as “preventative” rather than necessary. However, based on two new studies showing that circumcision substantially reduces the risk of spreading HIV and STDs, the AAP is reviewing their stance. One point that has been brought out repeatedly by those on both sides of the debate is that … Continue reading

Father Blocks Circumcison

Like many boys born in the United States, Tyler was circumcised in the hospital after he was born. Although I would have opted for the procedure anyway, it never dawned on me that I had a choice in the matter. A growing number of parents, however, are opting not to have their baby boys circumcised. In fact, the percentage of circumcision has fallen since 1970, from 90% to about 60%. A Chicago father actually sued to block the circumcision of his 9-year-old son. He was quoted as saying that “circumcision is an extraordinary medical procedure,” and he feels his son … Continue reading

The Circumcision Debate

Circumcision was once a routine and unquestioned part of having a baby boy. It is now a hotly debated topic with people firmly entrenched on either side of the debate. For some families, religion dictates whether or not the child will be circumcised. Other families have no religious reason for the procedure. This is known as routine infant circumcision. Whether or not there is a religious reason for circumcising an infant, many parents still have firm convictions, either in favor or against the procedure. It can be very difficult to find information that is not biased one way or the … Continue reading