Public Transportation: The Way to Go!

I know, I know, it doesn’t seem to be the first thing people want to consider about when talking about green living. Americans have become so dependent on their cars and I must admit that the thought of public transportation makes me cringe sometimes. Not being able to leave somewhere or go somewhere else when I want it is hard to swallow, but when I started reading about all the benefits of public transportation, I started to change my mind a bit. By taking public transportation, Americans can limit the amount of greenhouse gases and smog-producing pollutants. Did you know … Continue reading

Frugal in the City

While I now live in a semi-rural part of Pennsylvania, the fact is that I am a city girl born and bread, uh bred. Many people think that is harder to be frugal in the city. They claim: In the city you can’t grow your own vegetables or can food. In the city the cost of living in higher. There is often no space to store stockpiled food or other items. You can’t hang laundry in the city. While those reasons may all be valid, there are many work around ideas to address them. For example, my mother hung every … Continue reading

A Child’s Life in the Ghetto

I have never been to the apartment complex where our boys used to live. I have the address and I plan to go there eventually. Our oldest is the only child who can really remember what life was like there. When he is older, we may go back and look around. Many of us drive by the squalor of inner city tenements every day. Most people would not want to visit such a place. It is far too dangerous. Many innocent children call these places home. Their lives are in danger every day because of violence, abuse and neglect. An … Continue reading

A Unique Two-Wheeled Tour

Don’t let the title fool you—this blog isn’t about bicycle tours, rather it will detail ways you can experience military-based technology on two wheels. I’m referring to the Segway Human Transporter. I introduced (or re-introduced) you to it in my previous blog… so now that you know what they are. Here’s some information on how you can spend some time on one without shelling out $5,000 (the amount it retails for) to do so. In California you can take a Segway tour of celebrity homes in Beverly Hills. Likewise you can see the city lights of Atlanta; the incredible skyline … Continue reading