The Appearance of Your Classroom

Although in many cases, it probably should not, appearance means a lot. As the saying goes, “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” However, the cover does make the first impression. For this reason, I think that the appearance of a classroom is very important. This is not to say that my classroom always has a wonderful appearance. Things can become scattered throughout the day and books and such are out of place. However, I do try to give it an upbeat and positive mood. When a parent or student walks into your classroom for the first time, the … Continue reading

Multi-Level Classrooms

Schools, teachers, and classrooms can vary greatly in their set-up, routines, and environment. In the past, we have discussed experimental schools, private schools, and charter schools. All have their own theories and ideas on how to give students the best possible education. The type of classroom and success that you have in your classroom greatly depends on your personal values, ideas, and comfort level. Many teachers are stuck in the idea of the traditional classroom. The traditional classroom has one teacher and a group of children who are about the age and are in the same grade level. However some … Continue reading