Tickets for Special Events at the Epcot Food Festival

I think I’m finally starting to get the hang of one important element of Disney blogging: mention all Disney Parks events way in advance. Not only that, mention the dates tickets go on sale a healthy time before they do so. That way anyone interested has plenty of time to prepare to buy, if they’re so inclined. I’m really trying to keep my ear to the ground this year to find out exactly when tickets go on sale for the filming of the Christmas Day Parade. We’ve still got a while until that happens, however, but don’t worry: I’ve got … Continue reading

You Are What You Eat

You know the old saying that you are what you eat? Well it is truer than you might think. Obviously we know that the healthier you eat, the healthier your body will be. If you feed it with junk, then your body stands at greater risk of breaking down. So if you want to look younger and feel younger, then feed your body with things that will make it look and feel better. As we get older we notice more and more changes in our body. Women tend to want that aging progression to slow down more so we might … Continue reading

Progressive Cooking Class for Kids

If you’re going to be in the Disney World area the weekend of June 11-13, then there’s a unique event happening for your children that you should know about: progressive cooking classes for kids. and reveal that on Saturday June 12, three restaurants at Downtown Disney will open their doors to children, age limit unspecified, for an afternoon of cooking classes. The executive chefs at Portobello, Wolfgang Puck’s Grand Cafe, and Fulton’s Crab House will lead the classes. Starting at 11 a.m., kids move from one restaurant to another to receive cooking tips from masters in the trade. … Continue reading

False Health Claims On Foods

I’m a fan of Celebrity Apprentice and this past Sunday it came down to the final two, actress Holly Robinson Peete and rocker Bret Michaels. Both are fighting for causes that are personal to them. Holly is fighting for autism and Bret is fighting for diabetes. In this last episode, Holly and Bret had to come up with a new flavor for Snapple tea. I loved that Bret focused on diet Snapple, as a way to help those dealing with diabetes. This is a product that is helpful to those who are dealing with diabetes. Many of us are more … Continue reading

Save Money with Garlic and Onions

Garlic is one of my favorite ingredients to use in cooking. I use it in practically everything, onions as well. It is funny, because my husband always says that he doesn’t like either, but yet he eats them happily in his food almost every day. Some people tend to shy away from garlic and onions, because of their potency. But using them in your cooking really adds something to your food. It can turn inexpensive meals into ones that are extraordinary. You can jazz up meat loaf, for example and make it worthy of a favorite dish. Garlic and onions … Continue reading

15th Annual Epcot International Food & Wine Festival

Attention all you foodies and wine-lovers out there: tickets for the 15th Annual Epcot International Food & Wine Festival are now on sale. The event, held this year at Epcot from late September through early November 2010, is the place to be for any food lover. Those who also happen to be Disney fans, well, that’s just icing on the cake. For those not in the know, the Epcot Food & Wine Festival is a 45-day-long event celebrating international cuisine and wine. It features demonstrations by celebrity chefs, nightly concerts called “Eat to the Beat!,” children’s activities, street performers, complimentary … Continue reading

Confessions of a Late Night Muncher

When do you cave into your food cravings? Do you race for snacks when you walk in the door, when you are bored or stressed? I am a late-night muncher. I remember in college, after a night out, I would always stop for pizza or grab a bag of chips at the store on the way home. Unfortunately, years later, little has changed, except now I have a few kids and fewer cocktails. I could easily consume two thirds of my calories after everyone else is in bed. I wish there was a late night munchers anonymous. We could talk … Continue reading

Just Say No to Super-Sizing It

“Would you like to super-size your order?” Have you ever been asked that question? It seems like a sweet deal. You get more food for just a little bit more money. It may not seem like a big deal at the time—what’s a few more fries—but if you super-size every single time you eat, you are adding on a tremendous amount of calories. When you add them up over the long haul you are packing on too much fat. I think the super-size mentality has gone even beyond the fast food chains. Do you find yourself super-sizing at home? You … Continue reading

The Great Fructose Debate

I love sugar. In fact, I think I could live on sugar alone. I am particularly fond of artificial sugar found in sweet treats, such as Twizzlers, Jelly Bellys, Sour Patch Kids and Hot Tamales. I am a considerably healthy individual and I know that sugar is not good for me, but I just can’t help myself. I try to rationalize it in my mind. I don’t smoke, or drink or have any other particularly destructive habits, so is sugar really that bad for me? My love of artificial sugar began as a little girl. One of my favorite traditions … Continue reading

Chopped, Minced and More: Which Cuts Work in Cooking

When I first started cooking, my knife skills were horrible. Well, they really haven’t improved all of that much, but at least my knowledge has gotten a little better. for instance, when a recipe called for something chopped, minced, or diagonal sliced, well, I wasn’t really sure what the end product would look like, and if it really mattered if my pieces were larger or smaller. In some instances, the size of your pieces that you need may have a lot to do with your preferences for texture. You may prefer something cubed because of the bite-size nature and the … Continue reading