
I’m sure the following scenario is something most of us have experienced at some point in our life. You twist your ankle, and while it doesn’t hurt bad enough for you to go to the doctor and get crutches, it does hurt when you walk. So, to avoid further injury, you try to keep weight off of the ankle, and, instead, you put more pressure on your healthy ankle. Over time, the injured ankle heals, but the other ankle, the one you didn’t twist, has also become sore due to all the extra strain you had been putting on it. … Continue reading

Growing an Indoor Herb Garden

We have begun the task of trying to grow herbs. I had read a book about how much money could be saved in a year, by growing your own. One to never turn my head away from anything that can save me money, I gathered my five kids together and asked who wanted to help. Excitedly, they all will be helping. Finding a family activity like this, that not only includes bonding and family time, but also responsibility and education, is rare. We were very excited to get started, but there were some things we had to think about first. … Continue reading

No More Excuses…A Type 1 Diabetic Climbs Mount Everest!

Since I have two sons with juvenile diabetes, I often hear “I’m a diabetic,” excuses. “Mom, I have to eat this cupcake right NOW. My bloodsugar is low.” “Mom, can’t you excuse me from the 1.5 mile run at school, since I’m a diabetic?” Well, now I’m armed with proof positive that diabetics can do anything. And I mean anything. Will Cross doesn’t let chronic illness get in the way of achieving his dreams. Thirty years ago he was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes (type I) at the age of nine. Now, a 39-year-old father of six, he became the first … Continue reading

Let’s Pretend: How Do You Teach Your Toddler to Pretend?

This may sound like an odd topic, but the truth is pretending play is one of the best parts of childhood and children have fertile and amazing imaginations. Many believe that children spontaneously develop their imaginations and while this may be true for many, the truth is—you can help them to build this skill and talent. How do you help them? Here are a few ways that I have seen other parents as well as myself do in order to help them develop their talent for pretend. Obstacle Course Toddlers love to climb. They love to explore. So take a … Continue reading

Indoor Climbing Gym – How To Get Started

Are you interested in learning how to get started at an indoor rock climbing gym? Maybe you want to work on your skill level before you start outdoor rock climbing. Maybe you want to test your own limits. Or maybe you just want to test yourself against the idea of climbing a mountain. After all, why do you climb a mountain? Because it’s there. To get started at a climbing gym, you need to know that it’s a great workout and that you can enjoy a fun time in a social atmosphere. Most large cities have a climbing gym or … Continue reading

Climbing – Indoors and Out

My husband is a huge fan of indoor rock climbing. Indoor climbing is considered an offshoot of outdoor rock climbing. Originally designed to help outdoor climbing enthusiasts develop their skills and practice; the sport of indoor climbing has become popular in its own right. There are a number of climbing gyms that have opened up all over the country. They feature climbing walls that have plastic holds and safety ropes that are strung from the upper portions of the walls in order to protect the climbers. As with other fitness gyms, climbing clubs often have exercise equipment and classes to … Continue reading