Teens Can Coach and Teach

In addition to driving and getting a job, there are other ways that teenagers can experience some “rights of passage” to help them move into being an adult, or at least, an older teenager. There are still plenty of opportunities for teens to serve as camp counselors, youth sports coaches and teach classes (art, activities, Sunday school) that will help them develop maturity and learn all sorts of responsibility and other skills. Since the part-time job seems to be getting harder and harder for teenagers to find, parents might be wondering what their kids CAN do to move toward independence … Continue reading

Mindless Does Matter

“Contrary popular belief,” says Dr. John Gottman, the professor of psychology who founded the Gottman Institute. “It is the mundane events of everyday life that build love in marriage. Connecting in the countless mindless moments that usually go by unnoticed establishing a positive emotional climate.” Gottman’s research over the last 25 years has lead Gottman to the following conclusions: Only 20% of divorces are caused by an affair Marriages Die with a Whimper So if only 20% of divorces are caused by an affair (which flies in the face of all the muckety muck promoted by soap operas) then the … Continue reading

Weekend Marriage Seminars?

Have you read about places where you can go for a weekend marriage seminar? There are several different offerings out there on the web, in local areas offered through religious organizations and by marriage therapists and more. One such place is SaveMyMarriage.com. Their seminars occur in different cities during different months and it’s a three day seminar on helping you rebuild your communication skills. Why a Weekend Seminar? Why would a weekend seminar benefit you rather than seeing a marriage counselor or coach on a regular weekly basis? What makes this type of help different? There could be multiple reasons … Continue reading