Three Kitchen Gadgets I Can’t Cook Without – Part 2

Yesterday I blogged about three kitchen gadgets that I could but didn’t want to cook without. Those gadgets are my salad spinner, my small plastic cutting board, and my small food processor, and those 3 are probably the most useful gadgets in my kitchen. However, there are plenty more useful kitchen gadgets that I use every day or at least a few times a week. Those other 3 kitchen gadgets are my wire colander, my glass mixing bowl set, and my rubber spatulas. Food Gadget #1: Wire Colander I don’t know how often you boil water in your kitchen, but … Continue reading

The Colander: An Important Kitchen Tool

While no one seems to know exactly where the colander originated, man has known the concept of the sieve since ancient times. The need to drain liquids is an important part of food preparation. The tool is described by Mr. Webster as a “ perforated pan, usually bowl-shaped, used for draining liquids.” Who were the first to rinse and drain? Only the pasta gods know for sure, but one thing is certain; no modern kitchen should ever be without one or two or even three of them! There is nothing that strains and rinses like a colander, and it’s probably … Continue reading