Taking Care of Your Baby When YOU’RE Sick

Taking care of your baby when you’re sick can seem impossible. I remember when my son was nine-weeks-old, I got a stomach virus and literally could not hold him for three days. It was terrible. My husband had to take off work and all I could do was lay in the fetal position myself, while he took care of our baby. I was lucky that time that he was able to take the time off work. Usually there’s a one-day limit. If I’m really really sick, he can take off one day, but that’s it. Tell me, who gets better … Continue reading

Decreasing Cold and Flu Times

It’s a fact: the best way to avoid getting sick is by washing your hands throughout the day. When you do, you should scrub for at least twenty seconds. A hand sanitizer (one that doesn’t need the use of water or a towel), can come in handy as well, especially when you are in a hurry. You can put one in your car, purse, child’s backpack, etc. Most hand sanitizers will dry out your skin, so you will also want to use a hand lotion in conjunction with it, especially if you use it often or have sensitive skin. You … Continue reading