Finding Allies in Business

One of the things that makes working the traditional job palatable is the work allies—those friends and coworkers with whom we know we can work well. I think having allies is the key to whether a person likes their job or not. As home business owners, most of us work alone and we have forfeited having the friendly coworkers and allies in the next cubicle over. This doesn’t mean that we should give up on having work-related allies altogether, we just might have to work a little harder to find and nurture them… When I look back over my work … Continue reading

Doing Business with Friends II

I wrote earlier today about some of the issues that pop up when some of our clients and customers are our friends and family members. I thought it would only be fair to discuss another side of this issue—when we choose to do business with friends as vendors, suppliers, or colleagues. There can be all sorts of issues that pop up when we are the ones doing the purchasing or trying to partner in the business arena with those individuals we consider to be our good friends. Using friends’ businesses as vendors, suppliers and partners in our business endeavors can … Continue reading

Choosing Who You Work With

While I appreciate the autonomy of working at my home business, I know that I don’t always have as much say and control as I’d like to imagine. One element I do appreciate, however, is that I really do get to choose who I work with. I am in a sort of business where I do not have to take every offer, client and opportunity that comes along. Additionally, this feels very different than working for a company where a person has to work with whoever the company says! I am the company and I get to decide who I … Continue reading

What I Don’t Miss About Co-workers

There are some really fabulous things that come from working in a group and I have made some great and lasting friendships with people who were originally coworkers. But, when I am working in my home business, there are definitely some things that I do not miss that come with coworkers… I do not miss having to pick up the slack and do someone else’s work. I know that seems like an incredibly obvious coworker complaint, but I am one of those people who gets fairly crabby when I have to do stuff that is really in someone else’s job … Continue reading