Too Much Education?

Is it possible to have too much education when looking for a job? The answer is yes, although it will depend on a variety of factors. In many careers, a bachelor’s degree is enough to get you started. In some, you may only need a few classes or an associate’s degree. For many professions, on-the-job experience is as or more important as an education. In these types of jobs, too much education can sometimes make you seem too expensive or over-qualified for an entry-level position. However, some careers require a certain degree before they would even look at your application. … Continue reading

Should You Go Back to School?

A question many of us ask ourselves in our careers, would I be able to advance higher in my job if I had more education? Typically, the answers vary on the job and the company. One example is executives who want a MBA. Is it necessary to have a MBA to get ahead in business? Whatever your field is, the best first step is to start looking for the job you want, before you actually get the degree. Don’t waste your time or money; if you can land the job without the degree, then go for it! See if it … Continue reading