Study Finds College Students May Develop PTSD Due to 2016 Election

There’s a chance that your college student has developed PTSD because of the 2016 election. This is according to a study that was led Melissa Hagen, an assistant professor of psychology at San Francisco State University. The results were published in the Journal of American College Health on October 22, 2018. The title of the study is: “Event-related clinical distress in college students: Responses to the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.” The study examined the prevalence and demographic correlations of clinically significant election-related avoidance and intrusion symptoms among college students 2-3 months after the 2016 election. There were 729 participants. The … Continue reading

College Students and the CARD Act

College students all across the nation are getting ready to head off to school, and start a new semester. However, students who are under the age of 21 might not be leaving home with a credit card in hand. This could be a good thing, or a big inconvenience, depending on your point of view. This is one of the effects of the CARD Act. The CARD Act is the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act, which was signed in 2009. This Act provided a series of protections for consumers, and prevented credit card companies from continuing to do … Continue reading

Have You Heard of the freshman 15?

The Freshman 15 refers to the weight gain phenomenon that happens to students in their freshman year at college. These are pounds students’ gain due to excess, stress and workload in their first year at the college level. Many University dining halls are all you can eat and many freshmen are caught up in the novelty of being away from home, flooded by new classes and learning to balance their needs versus their stress and desires. How to Cope with the freshman 15 First and foremost, freshmen need to learn to moderate their eating habits. Don’t just grab the first … Continue reading