Home Color Trends for Fall 2007

Are we talking about fall already? Yep. Pantone recently released a report on color trends for the home in fall 2007. There are some surprises. While there are still vivid reds and oranges and deep browns, there is an interesting mix of other hues as well. The reds are deep “red pepper” colors while the oranges are richer than the usual pumpkin pie colors. Brown has gone past the caramel neutrals and is expressed in cocoa and dark chocolate colors. The other colors range from purplish pinks that seem to have been plucked from flowers like lilacs, while the other … Continue reading

Interchangeable Holiday Decorations?

You might not think of holiday decorations as being interchangeable. After all, each holiday has its own purpose and generally its own themes as well as certain traditional colors. While any color can be used and trends vary throughout the years, there are certain colors associated with each. Thanksgiving tends to include earth tones, Christmas red, white, and green, Easter pastels, and so on. Yet, there are different shades and tones as well as neutrals that can be used for most any occasion. One example is deep red. Golden brown turkey looks enticing sitting atop a warm, red tablecloth at … Continue reading