Challenges Are Good For Us

Challenges in the Christian life can be good for us. Why? Because we know if the challenge is not something we would normally feel comfortable taking on and doing, then the only way to get accomplish it victoriously is to rely on God. The harder the challenge, the more we need to depend on God and that is always a good thing. Too often when faced with a challenge we can allow difficulties or problems to distract us and cause us to give up. One of the things we can allow to affect us is past failures. Recently I went … Continue reading

Are You Up For A Challenge?

In a recent newsletter I subscribe to it asked ‘When was the last time you challenged yourself as a writer? What challenge did you make?’ Let me turn that around and ask when was the last time you challenged yourself as a Christian? Challenged yourself to take on a job or ministry that takes you out of your comfort zone? I love writing. Writing bible study questions and notes was no exception. Leading a discussion group was also something I felt comfortable doing. But when asked to become the teaching leader, standing up each week to give a 40 minute … Continue reading

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Most of us operate within a certain comfort zone. In the book, Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway, Dr. Susan Jeffers says that we all make decision based on the “confines of our comfortable space.” We might be willing to pay $75 for a pair of shoes, for example, but would squirm if asked to pay $100. She recommends that we seek to widen our space by doing something new and uncomfortable each day. The risk can be small or bold. We should, as Nike says, just do it. Jeffers’ book is not a parenting book, it’s a book … Continue reading