Hold the Phone! Research States That Parents Should Pick Up Their Baby When It Cries

You’ll have to excuse my somewhat sarcastic tone as I write this, but when this headline appeared in my news feeds this morning I found myself staring at it in disbelief. After all, who would pay for this kind of study? As it turns out, the Queensland University of Technology did the research and it was part of a joint study with the Early Parenting Centre. Researchers found that many new parents were uncertain and concerned that if they picked up their child every time it cried, they would end up spoiling their baby. This fear is understandable; especially if … Continue reading

Tips for Bringing Your Baby Comfort

Comforting baby does not always come naturally. In fact, as with most other things that involve you and your baby – you will both be learning through a combination of trial and error. To help you with that forthcoming trial, here are some tips to help guide you in things that babies usually like and those they usually do not like. Babies Like: touch, because it is one of their most highly developed senses holding touching cuddling caressing rubbing stroking When you cuddle and caress your baby, it sends messages to the baby’s brain to increase beneficial chemicals and hormones. … Continue reading