Different Strokes, Commands, and Dialogue for Different Pet Folks

Aimee recently wrote an article about how to speak cat. I couldn’t help but think of it when I watched the Elvis episode of “The Greatest American Dog.” The Tangled Leash Challenge In this “Greatest American Dog” challenge, the dogs and their owners were paired up. They had to attach their dogs to leashes that wound around various obstacles and intertwined with one another. Then, without touching their dogs, using verbal commands only, they had to navigate their dogs through the course. There were several obstacle sections to work through. Once they were free of one, they unhooked the dog … Continue reading

How Can You Tell if You Are Really a Christian?

How can you tell if you have really come to know Jesus and entered into a relationship with Him? In our home bible study group we recently started studying the John’s letters and 1 John 2 gives some answers to this question. I John 2:3 says we ‘know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commands.’ Obeying rules and regulations are not our entry ticket to heaven. That comes only through knowing Jesus. But, when we do know Jesus and have come into a relationship with Him, then we will want to please Him by keeping … Continue reading

Hospitality – part 1

The bible commands Christians to practice hospitality, Romans 12:13 It’s a command not an optional extra and one I have struggled with. Maybe you have too. Often it is due to expectations I have put upon myself, expectations that resulted in me running around making sure the house was vacuumed, dusted and immaculate. As a writer, housework is not always one of my highest priorities. I’m more concerned with getting the next story, poem or blog written than whether the floor has been vacuumed or swept. So a visitor always meant a frantic clean up. Next came the decision of … Continue reading

How Do You Train a Deaf Dog?

Yesterday I wrote about my friend who found out her dog is deaf. She had asked me if I knew anything about training a deaf dog, so I looked into it. I searched online for resources on the topic, and I also posted a request for help in the forums. The result? A wealth of information! Training Techniques TOUCH Both the replies in the forum and the Deaf Dog Education Action Fund emphasized how important physical contact, like pats and petting, is to training deaf dogs. Which makes sense. When one sense is out of commission the others have to … Continue reading