Extra Mayo, Hold the Kissing

A popular condiment company is falling out of favor with slews of its most loyal fans for airing a commercial that has some seeing red. Heinz Co. announced yesterday that it plans to pull a TV ad for mayonnaise that shows two men kissing. The company says the commercial was only run on British TV, but received enough negative feedback that it prompted Heinz execs to yank it. If you haven’t already seen the ad for Heinz Deli Mayo (it made its way onto YouTube in record time and was still there as of today) you aren’t missing much. The … Continue reading

What is Stock Photography?

Stock photography is an important part of the professional photographer’s world. With all the new technology that is developing at a mind boggling speed, there is a greater demand than every before. Digital photography has escalated in the past couple of years, bringing on a whole new trend of stock photography. But, what is stock photography? Stock photography is first and foremost, actual photographs. However, they are photographs taken with no immediate client or purpose in mind. Perhaps the scenery captured the photographer, or the dish at the restaurant spoke volumes about a certain type of food. Photographer’s capture this … Continue reading

Oops He Did It Again!

The Super Bowl is still a couple of weeks away, but controversy is already brewing regarding an upcoming ad slated to air during the big game, and guess who it features? Mr. Britney Spears himself. Yes, Kevin “I got Fed-Exed” Federline is smack in the middle of it all. According to the New York Post, executives in the fast-food industry are blasting the commercial for Nationwide Insurance, which features Brit’s ex daydreaming about being a rap star but really working in a fast-food joint. Representatives for the National Restaurant Association called the ad “demeaning and unpleasant” to the nation’s 12.8 … Continue reading

How You Can Star In A Commercial For Dove

Have you ever dreamed of starring in a commercial for your favorite beauty product. No, I’m not talking about Calgon (although I’m sure many of us stay-or-work-at-home-moms have starred in our own versions of that famous commercial… on a weekly basis). I’m talking about a once in a lifetime opportunity to create your own ad for the makers of Dove beauty products. You’ll recall that the company made headlines a couple of years ago when it began using “real women” (no professional models or actors) in a line of ads promoting their products. The company is now known for “embracing … Continue reading

“Sex and the City” Star’s Racy Car Ad Gets Pulled

I never had the chance to watch “Sex in the City” during its run on HBO, but I have seen the “safer” episodes that air in syndication. It’s obvious that the hard-core raunchy portions of the show (most of which featured sex-obsessed Samantha Jones, played by Kim Cattrall) have been heavily edited. Now more of Cattrall’s work is landing on the editing room floor. Japanese carmaker Nissan just announced that it has pulled a raunchy commercial starring Cattrall from New Zealand television after complaints about its content. In the ad, Cattrall reportedly purrs with excitement about Nissan’s new sedan. “Why … Continue reading

Katie’s New Commercials

Have you seen the new commercials on CBS featuring Katie Couric? Ironically, the soon to be first woman solo anchor of a network evening newscast is barely on air long enough to be recognized. Call it a soft sell… I mean really soft. The new commercial that has just begun airing on CBS News programs is considered the first step in introducing the former “Today” show host to viewers. If you haven’t seen it yet, here’s basically what you are missing: Current “CBS Evening News” anchor, Bob Schieffer introduces Couric to viewers; he ad-libs; you see a quick shot of … Continue reading