California’s Ruling: That’s Just My Opinion.

June 17th is a historic moment for a country so divided on an issue that the lines are polarizing. A poll on AOL shows that 51% oppose same-sex marriage while 49% support it. The number of people in the poll is just 59,000 — so that makes those differering in opinion to be about 1,000 apart. While there is no way to poll the entire country, chances are good that it would come down to a split where the supporters and opponents are about even and the people who don’t care make up the rest. Supporting Freedom of Consortium I … Continue reading

Marriage Types: Covenant

Many years ago there was only one type of marriage. It was the traditional husband and wife marriage, which began with a wedding and ended with happily ever after (or so we thought). We now know that all marriages and couples are not designed this way. There are many different people in this world and many different types of relationships. Therefore, there are also different types of marriages. In my next couple of articles I will explore some traditional and some nontraditional couples and their marriages. For some couples marriage simply just is not enough. They want a commitment even … Continue reading

How Deep are Your Motivation, Commitment, and Energy?

The other day I was working and singing along to that marvelous old Bee Gees song: “How Deep is Your Love?” and as I was working away, I caught myself singing a little reminder to myself. Instead of the true lyrics, I started singing, “How deep is your focus?” since I was wrestling with distractions. It hit me that it is one thing to say that one is committed and focused to one’s home business, it is quite another to try to dig down and stay focused when the times get tough. The deeper your motivation, commitment and energy for … Continue reading

J is For

We’ve looked at what TLC is and the changes that need to happen in our lives if we are to get our priorities right this year. But what about another important letter – J. Yes, it could stand for Jesus. It could also stand for joy. In John 15, Jesus talked to His disciples and He talks to us today too, about abiding in His Word and letting His Word abide in us, verse 7. Jesus talks about prayer, verse 7 and bearing fruit, verse 8. He talks of his great love for his disciples and us, verse 9. Then … Continue reading

Sinking Your Teeth In

Surely you have heard that saying “something to seek my teeth into” as it refers to getting so excited or into a project or situation that you really dig in and commit to working on it. For many of us, our home businesses become like this. However, we might also be reluctant to really dig in because we are afraid of failure, of getting too attached, or worried that we might lose perspective. I cannot help but think that “sinking our teeth into” our home business is a good thing in the short and long term. Sure, I know that … Continue reading

Change of Heart

One of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon is Alma 5. I love the message that Alma teaches the people of Zarahemla about having Christ’s image in your countenance. He asks questions about whether your actions reflect your beliefs. He speaks about the change of heart that comes with true conversion. It always causes me to sit back and look at where I am spiritually at that moment. In verse 26 Alma says “And now . . . if you have experienced a change of heart, and if you have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, … Continue reading

Is the Second Divorce Easier Than the First?

There are many difficult things that we do in life that seemingly get easier each time that we do them. For example public speaking is usually a difficult and trying task the first time that it is done. However after several months of being in the public’s eye the speaking usually gets easier. In some cases, all it takes is proving to ourselves that we can do it and survive. After that some of the fear is taken out of the equation. I wonder if divorce is the same way? I have never been divorced. I have some friends that … Continue reading

Make Your Choice

It is not uncommon to have moments in your life when you are in a pivotal situation. The choice to believe the gospel and to live its principles is one of those moments. You may make the choice once in your life or you may come to crossroads at a few different times in your life. I was born into an LDS family and grew up a member of the church, but there was a conscious point where I decided to embrace the gospel and make it a part of my life. Leading up to my decision, I investigated other … Continue reading

Why Isn’t My Budget Working?

There are so many people that sit down at the beginning of each month and write out a budget. Then they go on about their lives and wonder why they run out of money mid-month. This can be very frustrating for many people. They think that because they have written everything down that it should work. The problem is that they haven’t committed to living the budget. Here are the five things you can do to commit to living the budget. 1) When you finish the budget you should sign it. This may seem silly, but it symbolizes your commit … Continue reading

Happy Anniversary – Disney Magic

Wow, I woke up this morning at 4:15 a.m. with a half-formed yelp and a huge sigh of relief. I was dreaming that it was my wedding day again and the woman who did my hair and make-up was there to torture me. I loved getting married and I loved getting married at Disney World, but I started getting ready for the wedding at 4:30 in the morning because they were doing all my bridal pictures at 6 a.m. in the empty Magic Kingdom. Happy Anniversary Today marks 8 years since we tied the knot in Disney World and we’ve … Continue reading