RS/EQ: Honorable, Happy, Successful Marriage

This lesson by Spencer W. Kimball makes me all the more glad the church coordinates lessons from auxiliary to auxiliary. After all, it’s always nicer to have a lesson on marriage when both the husband and wife can hear it! The lesson begins with a memoir from a former employee of President Kimball’s, who shared how she saw him write a letter to his wife every day while she was off staying with a sick child in the hospital. Sometimes, when he was very busy at work, he’d dictate a letter and this employee would write it down. She said … Continue reading

Given Up on Your Marriage?

Have you given up on your marriage? I realize that every situation is different, that there are problems that you just can not work through (infidelity, abuse and so on). However, it has become too easy to just give up on being married. It is too easy for people to walk away from their families and it seems that more people do it every year. There are situations that can not be saved, and if your spouse is not willing to work on your relationship, then there is not much to do. If you are close on giving up, here … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review – July 1 – July 6

Today is the lucky day for many brides and grooms. It’s July 7, 2007 and for those of you getting married today (chances are, you’re not reading this), please accept my best wishes and more for a happy life. In the meanwhile, let’s take a look at our week in review: Sunday, July 1 Are You a Romantic? I am and I love all the things that go into romance. We took some time to look at Proxy Marriages in California after learning about them in our recent series on Marriage Laws. Monday, July 2 Do you know How to … Continue reading

Promises or Commitment – Is There a Difference?

Is there a difference between a commitment and a promise? Yes, there is. It can be confusing I’ve known women who’ve been involved with men who made them promises but they were never actually committed. It’s a tricky place to be – where you hear lots of promises or you receive a lot of promises – but promises aren’t a commitment. For example, an engagement ring is a promise to get married – but it’s not a commitment. The commitment happens when you actually get married. That’s when you make the commitment. Yes, I know it’s semantics, but we live … Continue reading

Don’t Give Up

If I was to be pressed to give one tiny morsel of advice to parents—all parents of any age child, parents who have biological children or adopted children, and parents with one, two, or many children—my only phrase would be: “Don’t give up.” Whether you are wrestling with potty training or discipline issues or a learning disability or character development, the commitment to your kids and the willingness to stay in there no matter what is what parenting is all about. We ALL make mistakes! My goodness, if I could have just one dollar for every time I made an … Continue reading

Using Pet Names In Your Relationship

Sweetie! Darling! Love! Boo-boo! Snookums! Shudder, guffaw and pass the insulin. There is nothing so sweet and compulsive as the first time your mate calls you a pet name. No matter how odd the nickname or how endearing it is, when your mate is comfortable enough with you to crown you with a nickname, it makes you feel special. It’s amazing what a little phrase of affection can do. Now there are simply some people who pass around endearments with the ease of how they smile. They are quick, warm platitudes that they give as willingly to someone they just … Continue reading

Overcoming a Fear of Commitment

Have you ever looked at a married couple and wished that you could be that lucky or maybe just that brave? It happens all the time. Believe it or not, more singles look at married couples and wonder how did those two people get there and how can they achieve that for themselves than wonder any other similar topic. More than even amassing wealth, a solid, committed relationship seems to be so far out there for some individuals that they don’t even know where to begin. If you were to ask that same couple how they got to where they … Continue reading

Are You Good or Are You Great?

Would you call your relationship good or would you call it great? A great relationship isn’t the product of a storybook tale that just happens when a fairy godmother waves her magic wand. They happen because you take charge and you make it happen. To have a great relationship, you need to be great. The things you accomplish do not define greatness, but how you accomplish them makes a huge difference. So how can you be great in your relationship? First and foremost, does your spouse know where they stand with you? Do they feel adored? Do they know they … Continue reading

Fight for Your Marriage

Do you know how to fight for your marriage? Did you know you needed to fight for your marriage? It may sound odd to use the terms ‘fight’ in conjunction with a positive influence on your marriage relationship, but it’s really important to understand that you need to fight for your marriage, every day and in every way. Fighting for Marriage When I say that you are fighting for your marriage, I don’t mean fighting with your spouse – I mean fighting all the distractions, the doubts, the troubles and the problems that can get in the way of your … Continue reading

Family Home Evening: The Parable of the Pickle

This family home evening lesson is based on Elder David A Bednar’s talk “Ye Must Be Born Again.” You may want to read it. If you have teenagers in your family, you may want to ask them to read it before you teach the lesson. This talk contains important concepts to teach your children. You can open the lesson by reading Mosiah 27:25-26. You may want to begin with an object lesson. You can pass out pieces of a cucumber and a pickle for your children to look at. You should point out that the pickle started out as a … Continue reading