Do You Talk To Your Kids Or At Them?

An older gentleman remarked to me recently that parents today spend a lot of time talking at their kids instead of talking to them. He said he understood that with parents working longer hours today it was sometimes hard to find time to talk to our kids but felt we should make an effort to do so. As I thought about this remark, I realized that he’s right. We communicate with our kids all the time, yes, but how much of that time is spent talking to them? Many times, we’re barking orders, fussing, nagging, giving directives. After my conversation … Continue reading

The 3 C’s Of Effective Communication

How good of a communicator are you when it comes to talking to your kids? Are you wishy-washy? Do you beg, plead and coax your kids into doing what you want them to do? John Rosemond in his book, The New Six Point Plan for Raising Healthy, Happy Children, says that parents have to learn to give instructions to their kids that are commanding, concise and concrete. He calls these the three C’s of good communication. Commanding When communicating with your child speak directly to them using authoritative statements such as, “I want you to..” or “It’s time to…” If … Continue reading