How to Get Your Kids to Talk With You


Are you tired of getting one word answers from your kids? Are you wondering how to get your kid to finally open up and talk with you? The solution might be one that Kenneth Barish, Ph.D., wrote about for Huffington Post. Give his ideas a try, and see what happens! Frustrated parents should take a minute to read over what Kenneth Barish, Ph.D., wrote in an article titled: “Why Won’t She Talk to Us? How to Have Better Conversations With Your Children”. In it, he explains some of the reasons why kids become uncommunicative with their parents. In short, there … Continue reading

Keep Conversation Natural, Not Forced

Have you ever tried to force a teenager to talk?  It’s usually not very productive, leaving both you and your teen to feel frustrated. It can also do the opposite of what you intend.  Instead of drawing you closer, it builds walls. So what’s the answer?  It is allowing conversations to happen in the natural course of events.  What happens naturally is so much sweeter than what you attempt to force. In case you are wondering what I mean by the natural course of events, let me first preface this by saying if there is something in particular going on … Continue reading

Love Your Teen Even When They Are Unlovable

I really love reading. Not all of my children have developed the same voracious appetite for it but I still try to find reading material that will appeal to them. Sometimes I pick up something that is not necessarily for entertainment but for their character. Most of the time when I get a book that is geared toward character development; I will hand it to my child and strongly encourage them to read it. Yesterday I picked up a book from the library that I was going to hand to my daughter but then a revelation hit me. Why not … Continue reading

Teenagers Aren’t the Only Ones Who Feel Pressure

Peer pressure is not something that just teenagers deal with. I think parents of teenagers can also feel pressure. Our pressure is a bit different but the way it feels is probably very similar. The pressure parents of teenagers have is related to the balance between parenting the way the world dictates and parenting the way we think is best. I have learned over the years of being a parent that not every decision I make will be appreciated. I’m not even talking about my children accepting my decisions. I am referring to decisions that I make as a parent … Continue reading