Visit A Local Museum

Most cities across the country, even the smallest rural or suburban communities, will have a museum, historic house or some another special place set aside to pay tribute to the history and legacy of that particular location. Many folks think of historic house tours and museum visits as vacation-only activities, but you may be missing out on some amazing discoveries that lay in wait for you right around the corner! I used to all but ignore the local history that surrounds me, yet at the same time be fascinated by the special places and museums in other cities, states and … Continue reading

Be a Goose: It’s Good for your Mental Health!

Ever been told you’re a real goose? Well, from now on you can take it as a compliment instead of an insult. Read the following story about the life habits of geese and discover that, like most animals in nature, they are definitely one up on us humans. No doubt you have noticed that when geese fly south for the winter they do so in a “V” formation. They do this because they have learned that, as each bird flaps its wings, it creates an updraft for the bird immediately behind it, making it easier for that bird to fly. … Continue reading

Touring the Town for Christmas Lights

Have you ever taken the kids for a drive to look at Christmas lights? It might not seem like that big of a deal, but it really can be a lot of fun, whether or not you have an ultimate destination in mind. Taking a spin to view beautifully lit homes and buildings or to check out animated displays can really put the whole family in the Christmas spirit. Look around, take pictures, get inspired for your own decorating projects, or just relax and enjoy. One fun way to go about the tour is to number each display as you … Continue reading

More Ways To Help Foster A Sense Of Community In Your Kids

In an earlier blog, I talked about ways to volunteer in order to teach your kids to have a sense of community. In this blog, getting to know your neighbors is the goal. Here’s what the authors of, 365 Ways to Help Your Children Grow, suggest: (1) Have a neighborhood block party— Make up a flyer and put one in each of your neighbor’s mailbox. Have everyone bring a dish and party at your house, in the street or at a local park. (2) Start an after school child care service— The authors suggest that you find out which mothers … Continue reading

At Home in Mitford — Jan Karon

At the time “At Home in Mitford” was published, high drama was the trend in literature. Car chases and dead bodies, abuse and neglect, drug addiction – these were the themes that seemed to drive what the so-called experts would call real literature. But then along came this gentle book by Jan Karon, a book with no gun fights, no swearing, no elicit doings of any kind, and it set the literary world on its ear. How could a book without the tried and true hooks draw such a crowd? The answer was simple. People were tired of gun fights, … Continue reading

Topical Whensday: When Will YOU Tee On to Cause an Effect?

It’s Wednesday and a GREAT day to wear that cause related Tee Shirt that you bought to support a worthy group. Where is it now? Stuffed in the back of the cupboard or in the pyjama drawer? When will you drag it out? Today is WHENSDAY, the perfect day to find it. In Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia, every Friday is Tropical Friday. A town that thrives on tropical and eco tourism, business houses, staff and individuals challenge each other to don the antithesis of formal dress: to frolic in the relaxed attire of holiday bliss, the tropical shirt and … Continue reading

Christian Moms In The Community

I have often observed my friends with older kids, running here and there, taking their kids from soccer to swim team, to music lessons and to tutoring. I like being at home and I knew the day would come when it would be my turn to take the kids from here to there, and I dreaded it. Now, the time has arrived! It started with my daughter’s ballet class this Summer. Now my husband is signing our son up for Soccer in the Fall and we’d like to put both of them on the swim team this Winter. We have … Continue reading

Top Five Weight Loss Motivators

In honor of Cinco de Mayo, I’m trotting out my favorite thing – yes – you know it: lists! Today’s list is my top five weight loss motivators. These are pretty personal motivators for me and they may work for you or they may not. It’s important to recognize that and in fact, not only do I recognize it, I would love to hear from those of you who read my posts what are your top motivators, you can post them here in the comments or drop me a private note. If I can get enough of them, I’ll publish … Continue reading

Christian Families in the Community

Do you have fond childhood memories of that one neighborhood house where all the kids would end up playing? I do. There was always Hi C and cookies and we knew that we were welcomed there. Once I became a mother, I decided that I wanted my house to be that place. A big part of the reason why is because I want to know who my children are playing with and what is going on. The other reason is because my husband and I wanted to reach out and be a family to the kids who needed one. There … Continue reading

Becoming a Good Neighbor

If you’re new to a neighborhood, you may feel a bit self-conscious about approaching your new neighbors. It is however a good idea, so that you and your neighbors can at least become casually acquainted sooner than later, because too often it isn’t until a crisis or problem occurs that some neighbors get in contact with each other. This is not a great way to meet each other. Instead of waiting until a meeting is forced by outside influences, break the ice. If you are not comfortable knocking on someone else’s door, you can simply approach when you see a … Continue reading