Is Your Spouse Your Competitor or Companion?

Not very far from here is a couple that I see every day. Every evening they run past the house as they are out for their evening jog, often they are racing each other. I see them at the swimming pool and I listen to them compare everything from who makes more in a given week to who makes a better Chicken Marsala. (Don’t ask me, I’ve never tried it). They argue, wrangle or negotiate over everything. She spends more time with the kids so he cuts back his work hours to spend at least as much time as she … Continue reading

Relief Society Presidents: An Introduction

In celebration of the upcoming Relief Society birthday, I’d like to take the first three days of the next few weeks to introduce readers to some of the wonderful Relief Society presidents this organization has had at its head. From Nauvoo to Salt Lake, from suffragette to grandmother, the presidents of the Relief Society have been women of faith and testimony, women of action, women to hold in high respect. As I’ve worked on compiling these biographies, I’ve been amazed. I thought I had a decent grasp on church history, but as I’ve studied the lives of these women, I … Continue reading

Are You Over 50 and Dating?

If you are, then I’d say you are in good company. It used to be that when you were over the age of 50, especially if you were female, single or widowed, you were an object of sympathy for your married friends and peers. The idea of hearing wedding bells in this demographic is slim and I know a number of these women who all say the same thing – they don’t want to get married and the question they ask is why would they want to? Why Would They Want to Get Married? Single men in their 50s are … Continue reading