Do Rheumatoid Arthritis and Pregnancy Mix?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease which causes inflammation in the joints and surrounding tissues. It can lead to deformities in the hands and feet, anemia, decreased range of motion, numbness and tingling, pleurisy, and other mild to severe symptoms. It is a long term disease that can be managed (but not cured) by drugs that are incompatible with a healthy pregnancy. Does that mean women who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis can’t carry a pregnancy? Fortunately, that is not the case! Conception The pain and discomfort associated with RA may affect a couple’s sex life and account for the fact … Continue reading

Spotting During Pregnancy

Spotting is very light bleeding. About a quarter of all pregnant women experience spotting at some point in pregnancy. It is similar to what you may experience at the beginning or end of your pregnancy. The color can vary from light pink to brown. There are a variety of reasons for spotting during pregnancy. Some are normal and turn out to be no cause for alarm. At other times, spotting can indicate a problem with the pregnancy. To be on the safe side, you should call your doctor or midwife right away whenever you experience spotting during pregnancy. Causes of … Continue reading

Surviving Bed Rest

There are a variety of conditions that can result in a pregnant woman being put on bed rest. Although bed rest is most common in later stages of pregnancy, it can happen at any time. I was on bed rest for six weeks during the first trimester of my first pregnancy. bed rest can put a strain on a couple physically, emotionally and financially. The first question to ask your doctor is what exactly he means by bed rest. Sometimes this simply means to stay at home and rest as much as possible during the day. In other cases, it … Continue reading